Hunter Exam

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Not every fanfic needs to start at the Hunter exam  (wow! What a revolutionary idea!) That doesn't mean it can't be fine, but why not have character building before the exam?



●Asking Satoz if oc can go ahead and wait for them at the end of the tunnel (Seriously why does this happen!?)
-It just makes the ocean come off as super arrogant, rude, and cocky

●Hisoka throwing a card at oc during the monkey thing
-He wouldn't do that, end of story

●oc saving Gon from Hisoka in forest (by scaring him, or fighting him or some shit like that)
  -is the oc really gonna beat Hisoka in a fight? NO.

●oc making a 5 star dish out of no where during the 2nd phase
-where tf does this piece of Mary sues shit get all these ingredients, equipment, or experience to make dishes 5 star dishes!?

●Menchi saying or doing anything along the lines of "OMG THIS IS THE BEST DISH I'VE EVER TASTED LINK OMG YOU PASS!" While drooling and eating the dish as fast as possible.

(Ima ramble about how sucky this shit is)

-GOD IT ANNOYS ME. Menchi, in case you didn't know, is a two star gourmet hunter. She's made immense contributions to the gourmet world. And one of the things she most prides herself on is food. She's so hard to satisfy that not even top 5 star dishes are able to satisfy her. She's famous for being a very hard  food critic that even the world's best chefs have trouble with!

SO NO, YOUR 16 OR 12 YEAR OLD MARY SUES WON'T BE ABLE TO MAKE SOMETHING SHE LIKES, MUCH LESS LOVES TO THE POINT OF GOING ALL STAR-EYED ABOUT IT. I don't care if your #tragic #abused Mary sue who had a #tragicbackstory! Had a #abusivemother, who forced her to do all the cooking and housework! UGHHHHH


●Menchi exclaiming how cute/pretty the oc is, and fangirling a lot

●Taking the ball from Netero
-Oh yeah sure, your young pretty oc could TOTALLY steal a ball from one of the strongest nen users alive! A nen user who's had more than a hundred and ten years to train and develop skills! WOW, YOUR OC MUST BE SOOOOO STRONG, EVEN THOUGH THEY SAID THEY MIGHT HAVE DIFFICULTY BEATING HISOKA. NICE CONSISTENCY. *claps* Just Stop.

Truthfully I might make an OC that's as strong or stronger than Netero...but guess what... SHE AIN'T GONNA BE SOME YOUNG ASS GIRL THAT'S SOMEHOW STRONGER THAN NETERO DESPITE BEING LIKE FUCKING SIXTEEN. She's gonna be a 100+ year old granny for god's sake! UGHHHHH

●Going down a different route in the trick tower, but having it be uncreative as fuck

●Talking to Hisoka & Illumi in that one scene with them on Zevil Island

●Getting one of the Amori brothers as a target

● Matching against Hisoka in the tournament

And done! PLEASE AVOID ALL THOSE! Some of them are worse than others...but seriously UGHHHHHHHH


Another stupid thing-- Super Powerful Mary sue oc just goes around calling everyone weakling like wtf


Things that annoy me in HxH fanficsWhere stories live. Discover now