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Why are they all so fucking attractive?



Okay first. Why are they all pale skinned and curvy af? With different colored eyes and long silky blond hair?

Why is all the hair silky straight? Can we get some tangled hair? Or curly hair? WHY!?

Also blond! Why are they ALL FUCKING BLOND, and if not blond it's pink or white, WHY CAN NONE OF THEM HAVE BROWN HAIR? IS IT FORBIDDEN!?

And length! Why is all the hair long!? Honestly hair that long just seems like it'd get in the way of battle. Even ILLUMI'S hair only reaches his mid-back! Can we get some short haired protagonists!?

Skin, yeah seriously why are they all pale af, can we get some tan or black skinned people? Also why can no one have freckles? Or any skin imperfections?

Eyes, why did they all have different colored eyes? Like having a red eye and a blue eye? Just why? AND NO, BEING HALF KURTA DOES NOT JUSTIFY ONE RED EYE! They have naturally brown eyes for heaven's sake! If you want them to have any other color eyes, JUST SAY THE GIRL USES CONTACTS!

If they're 14 or over don't make them look twelve. Seriously.

If they're sixteen or over, WHY DO THEY HAVE TO HAVE A HUGE BUST AND BE SUPERRRR CURVY!?Seriously!? Can one of these people just have an average bust!?

Plus, if you really want them to have a huge bust *rolls eyes* then at least use them for comedic effect, (making Killua uncomfortable, or maybe highlighting how huge boobs get in the way of a lot of things, and are REALLY uncomfortable when doing physical activities like running, or jumping...) (bad examples sorry) not just another reason to attract all the male characters.

WHY DOES EVERYONE GOTTA COMMENT ON HOW ATTRACTIVE AND BEAUTIFUL SHE IS!? It's annoying! We already know she's attractive and beautiful! Your don't need to tell us a thousand times!

Why can't they be chubby, or even fat, why do they all gotta be skinny?

About being skinny! Physical strength! Why is this stick thin girl with no visible muscle able to open to the fifth testing gate!? Killua did that, but do you see his muscles!? That's like what, and eight pack? Eighteen pack? Point is, he has muscles! Your skinny af girl had NO muscles!


Things that annoy me in HxH fanficsWhere stories live. Discover now