Personality- Edge Lord Edition

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'Personality' comes in many brands, but today we'll talk about the Personality character- Edge Lord

Okay....where do I start!?

'××× Was abused her entire life, and tortured with all sorts of things, until she became immune to pain poison and couldn't even feel them anymore. She was trained to be a professional killer and can't feel emotion...'LIKE OKAY THAT'S A WHOLE LOT OF EDGE but fine...It could work.

So with hopes of a good story I read a chapter of two.
AND OMG WTF IS THIS MAIN CHARACTER!? The main character is ALWAYS a brooding Emo that constantly complains about life and she's NOT POINT IN LIVING and hates humans, no, EVERYTHING.

like Seriously!

That kind of character is just boring to read, and I'd imagine, boring to write. The character had no depth, and is so fucking predictable.

No one is like that! It's impossible for someone to have nothing but cynicism on there mind at all fucking times, I mean seriously, these characters should've commuted suicide at the first chance they get!

Also any 'awesome' Or 'badass' moments with them just don't have any impact. For example, I don't know how many goddamn times I've seen somebody piss off a bunch of side characters, mercilessly kill some people, dis Tonpa, or completely over power an overpowered character from the show,  and logically, considering my interests, I should LOVE these moments, but I can't.

I just can't.

Because I simply don't care about the person who did them. For example- All those moments of Killua being badass and doing badass shit? Well, I LOVE THEM. But if I saw the clips, without even knowing the character, we'll, it wouldn't hit home. I wouldn't care.

That's one of the problems with these 'badass' moments with all these cynical 1 Dimensional characters that are walking edge lords. I don't fucking care about them. If anything I grow to dislike them because of how unrealistic they are, and how all they ever express is fucking depression.


Of course edge lords with tragic back stories can be done well. For example, if the MC shows signs of change, or if they show ANY EMOTION OTHER THAN FUCKING DEPRESSION. Or if it's obvious that the character is at the beginning of a character arc.

Or if they're backstory is interesting and can be expanded on. Or even if the character just has some fun quirks.

In the end they just really need a bit of personality that isn't just screaming emo.

In fact I have an OC who on the surface seems a bit like one of these edge lords, but she's not! Let me explain!

Here's the discription for the story I might write about her...

'Truflais, or Tru for shirt, grew up in a dump, a scrapyard, a Ghetto, Meteor city. She always wanted to leave, to see the world beyond the endless piles of scrap. That opportunity came when the men in white came, and so Tru made a mistake, she left meteor city, left with the men in white.

At she five Truflais left Meteor city, at age eleven she escaped the organization, and at nearly thirteen she decided to take the Hunter exams.

Truflais is cynical, sarcastic, uncaring, selfish, and generally has a bad attitude. She is socially awkward and doesn't trust easily, and has terrible role models. However, she tells jokes, and does have emotions. She can even be nice sometimes.

Our sarcastic, cynical, uncaring, yet somehow likable main character is going to take the Hunter exam!'

She sounds like a typical edge lord right? She has a tragic backstory, is cynical, sarcastic, and uncaring.


She isn't! Her thoughts are relatively cynical most of the time. She doesn't care about people she isn't associated with. And yes her dialogue is very sarcastic.


Her thoughts aren't dominated by negative emotions! It's simply her upbringing that made her so cynical and uncaring. But she isn't emotionally inept, she feels happy, curious, content, and she gets flustered.

She hates the human race as a whole, and thinks they have a ridiculous amount of bad traits like greed, selfishness, ect. But that doesn't make her hate everyone on an individual level.

Her strong dislike for talking to people doesn't come from hating them off the bat, it comes from the fear that she'll grow attached. And because of her upbringing, she thinks that growing attached to people will only ever end up in bad things.

Not to mention, she has habits, quirks. When she's annoyed, anxious, or irritated she'll play tetras on her ridiculously outdated phone. When she's nervous she twists her hair.


In any case, she isn't just a goddamn edge lord that only ever thinks, acts, and speaks edge.

Sorry just these characters can really irritate me!

Honestly there's nothing wrong with loving a good batch of EDGE, in fact it's a guilty pleasure of mine. I LOVE Tokyo ghoul, another, Akame ga Kill, even...angels of death...

But there are better ways to get your nice dose of cringe edge other than badly written fanfics. Go watch angels of death, or that magical girl site one. Okay? Good.

Things that annoy me in HxH fanficsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें