To be Torn Apart or Stitched Back Together || Alois Trancy x reader

Start from the beginning

"Claude, I want you to make sure the table is safe from any sharp edges" Alois said, the butler bowed and started on his work right away, Alois sighed, "I guess I should go and wait in the ballroom then shan't I?" he said and started walking away to the ballroom, "oh and Hannah" he said and turned around to look at the girl.

"Yes your highness?"

"Stay away from my (Y/N)" Alois said in a menacing tone, the only thing he got as a reply was a nod before he started walking away to wait for the girl to arrive back into the ballroom.

(~time skip to the ballroom~)

Alois sighed slightly and lowered more into the chair he was seated in, at this point he would almost be on the floor if he kept going, "where is that damned brat?" the Trancy mumbled to himself, he let himself slip off of the chair and onto the floor. Time had passed and you still hadn't arrived, Alois was about to call it quits and walk to your room to see if you were still alive when the door burst open.

"Hush now Timber! I told you to keep it a secret!" a female voice said, (Y/N) walked into the room in a new dress with the Triplets following after her, all giggling between each other about something that was said.

"You know how much I hate not knowing something" Alois said, he brought his head up from his starfish position on the floor before getting up and walking to the group.

"It's nothing, just a joke I told them before coming here" (Y/N) said with a slight giggle.

"Well then why don't you tell me!" Alois grumbled and stomped his foot slightly, (Y/N) chuckled.

"I was just making fun of your footwork when we dance my love, you never seem to trip or step on my feet and yet always seem to end up flat on your face when you simply walk" (Y/N) said with a chuckle, Alois rolled his eyes.

"Of course" he mumbled, (Y/N) hummed.

"Shall we?" (Y/N) asked the Earl in front of her, said Earl held out his hand for her to take.

"I think we shall" he said in a recall voice bringing a laugh to bubble out of his love. He loved it when she laughed, he always made it look like he didn't really like anyone besides Claude, but deep down he really did love (Y/N) and all the other servants in his manor, obviously not the same love as he has for his betrothed, but a family love for the others, he would never tell anyone, as long as he knew it then that's all he needed. Alois looked up at the Triplets, "leave" he said, the boys all bowed before turning on the music and leaving the room, the door giving a soft click as their leave.

"Alois?" (Y/N) asked, "Why did they have to leave?" she asked.

"Because, I like spending my time with you, I never usually care if the servants are around, but right now I just want to be alone with you" the boy said, he leant in and nuzzled into the girls collarbone as they slowly swayed and walked to the music, (Y/N) smiled softly as she placed her head on top of Alois' and closed her eyes, she could stay like this forever if she could.

"Alois, you seem to only want and need Claude's love, so, why did you decide to marry me?" (Y/N) asked, no they weren't married yet, they were too young of course, but it's easier to say that then anything else. Alois's head shot straight up from the girl's collarbones and he had a determined look in his eyes.

"I love you (Y/N)" he said, (Y/N) breath caught in her throat, he had not once ever said that to her, never, "I know I never say it and I know I never show it, but deep down I truly am in love with you (Y/N), you've been through everything with me, and even now when things are almost going to shit you're still by my side, you've been at my side through thick and thin, and I appreciate it so much. I know I do always say I want Claudes love, but in actual fact I want yours, my love for Claude is a cover to throw other people off, so that they won't hurt you, if they don't know I truly love you then people won't want to hurt you. You being my betrothed doesn't technically mean I need to love you, it just means I will marry you when the day comes, but I do love you, I love you a lot, and I want to marry you because of that love, not because our family needs or wants us too. I love the servants as family too, but I punish them to show I have no mercy for some things, I need to keep my reputation up and that's the only way to do so, I don't take pleasure in it, but it works" Alois took a deep breath, by now the pair had stopped spinning and where just holding each other, (Y/N) had tears in her eyes which by now are probably already down her cheeks, "I love you a lot (Y/N) (L/N), and one day I hope you shall take my last name and love me for who I am as I do you" Alois said with a smile, (Y/N) was speechless, she could say anything, tears where now down her face and soaking the collar of her dress, her mascara was running and she bet it wasn't a pretty sight, but if Alois said all of those things even with her looking as she is, then the defiantly does love her and isn't marrying her for family or wealth. A large teary eyed smile was spread over the girls face.

"I love you too Alois Trancy" was all she said, Alois broke into a large grin.

"May I kiss you my love?" the boy asked, the music was coming to an end, their dance would be terminated when the music ended, neither of them wanted this moment to end, but it had to.

"But of course my love" (Y/N) said with a small chuckle, Alois bent down the tiniest bit and sealed their lips together, it wasn't passionate, it was sweet and held every feeling they've had for each other, they have been together for a while but even so, the most they had done was hug and cuddle and hold each other, they had never kissed. This was something they both wanted to stay in forever, they wanted to cease this moment and never let it go, neither of them, it was perfect, his arms around her waist, her hands now around his neck. She wasn't pulling him in closer but just keeping him there for the moment. The human need for air soon pushed its way through and the two parted, finally looking at each other, a large smile adorned them both.

"I love you Alois Trancy"

"And I you (Y/N) (L/N)"


Yeah, uh, sorry for not posting for however friggen long, nobody requests anything, I have huge writers-block and school just went back on so I'm going to be having a lot of shit happening.

So unless you want content, then fucking request something, otherwise posting will be very slow and very bad


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