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green converse dragging against the concrete, worn and faded. music blasting through your headphones. patiently walking to the new restaurant that had just opened down the road. 

what people from other places don't understand about this utopia we live in is that just because the people or our lives are. there's still not truly peace, and prosperity. there are still families struggling, and conflict between others. the earth maybe clean and refreshing 24/7, but that doesn't mean anything. the only thing it improved was the happiness of the overall population of the earth, and everyone is healthier now. but, it's a nice change from polluted air and dirty land. 

after a semi-long walk of thought, y/n had finally arrived the restaurant. you walked in and the smell was incredible. you could pick out every individual spice and meat with the sent of oils and everyone's perfume and cologne. it was the best smell. 

you sit down at a small table next to a window. you look up and in front of you is a group of seven boys. smiling, laughing, joking, and looking incredibly happy. one of them notices that you're looking and gives you the sweetest, purest, most genuine smile you've ever seen. he waves, and you wave back. the blonde haired boy looks away shortly to continue his conversation. 

a waiter walks over to your table, notepad in hand ready to take your order. you decide of kimchi fried rice with chikin. you patiently wait for your order and draw small patterns into the table with your finger. you look back up at the 7 boys to see 2 of them looking at you as well. one with pink hair and the other with a pretty brown mullet. you smile and wave, and they do the same, just slightly more awkwardly. you look back down at the table, and scroll through the various social media apps on your phone waiting on your meal. 

finally, your meal arrives. the steam coming off of it and the smell of everything in the dish perfectly collide. it looks so delicious you could drool. you begin to eat, almost too fast, but keep your control. once finishing the amazing meal. you wipe your mouth and hands. 

looking up, you see 7 boys. not crowding you, but respectfully looking at you with curiosity. the blonde boy from the first encounter standing in front of the rest, giving the same smile as before.

he held out his phone, "can i maybe have your number?" he asked in the sweetest tone you've ever heard. 

you nod, putting your number in his phone. you give it smiling, before hearing the follow up question.

"we're going on a walk after this, would you like to join us?" a silver haired boy asks with a gummy smile. 

i nod again, walking to the front to turn in my bill and i walk out with the seven boys.

"so what's your name?" the blonde haired boy asks.

"y/n" you respond. 

he smiles and introduces not him, but all of them. he goes in a line, pointing to himself first. 

"i am kim seokjin." 

"this is kim namjoon" he points to a handsome man with lavender hair.

"min yoongi" he points to the silver haired boy.

"jung hoseok" he points to the black haired boy.

"park jimin" he points to the shortest boy with the pink hair.

"kim taehyung" he points to a very pretty boy with a brown mullet.

"and jeon jeongguk!" he points to the other boy with black hair.

"thank you." you nod and continue walking. 

as the walk continues we talk about everything there is to talk about. we talk about what are our favorite things. what makes us happy. what makes us sad. what makes us laugh. what we do in our free time. about our pets. the night was amazing. we all went out of the boardwalk and hung out until the next day. 

finally, after countless hours of fun, it was time for the night to come to a close. 

"would you like to stay at our house? i guarantee it's closer." seokjin offers.

i  nod and we call an uber xl. it arrives and we all get in, going to the boys' house.

"so why do all seven of you live together?" y/n asks. 

"we were all trainees for kpop together, but when the whole utopian change happened things just kinda stopped. we had all became like brothers so we just decided to make our lives with each other." namjoon explains. 

i nod and look out the window to see a huge house. 

"it's beautiful, especially at night." said y/n.

taehyung offers his hand and you take it for a small tour of the mansion. he shows you where the rooms are located, where you will be sleeping, the kitchen, the bathrooms, and the living room. 

"thank you, taehyung." you smile.

he smiles back, he and the other boys waves and tell you goodnight, all piling into their rooms. they leave you in your pretty small room alone to fall asleep. needless to say, this night was amazing.

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