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Hi there I'm not going to to write a long speech about my self so yeah. I just want you guys to tell me how my writing skill is, does it need to be Improve, this is my first ever story on watt pad. I don't know what to say but I will really appreciate it if you follow me and like my story if you don't like it it's ok but umm yeah into the story now.

(Alarm goes off)
Ugh why, why do I have to go to school. I mean everything is on the internet now. ( I said in my mind)
Mom," Max remember you have school."
"Yes Mom! " I shouted on top of my lungs.
~Knock knock~
"Who is it!" I yelled stuffing my face into the pillow.
"Can I come in?" said a sweet and innocent voice.
"Riley go away." I mumbled
~ Door opens ~
"Max dad needs to speak with you." said Riley
"What the fureck Riley get out!" I quickly cover myself up with the sheet.
"Jeez children nowadays have no manners."I stuttered

"You should have asked to come in" I said
"I asked" said Riley
"You should have Knocked" I shouted
"I knocked" she shouted
"Uh..umm...well you should have waited" I stuttered
"I did!" She shouted
"Ugh just get out"
She ran out my room giggling
I crawled out of my bed head to the bathroom looking in the mirror and saying to my self I'm going to make. The struggle is real.

(Couple minutes later)

Oh yeah feeling fresh. I ran down the stairs seeing my step mom and Riley. Ugh why, I hate her so so so much she only acts nice when Dad is around. Gosh the only reason why she is still with Dad is because Dad loves her also I don't want Dad to be lonely again. Dad took my advice wrong, when I told him to find the love of his life life I didn't mean going back to your ex oh well it's his life I guess.
"Well someone's in a good mood today" she said.
I didn't reply as usual
"Riley where is dad?" I asked
"He at the garage" she replied
"Ehm excuse me forgetting something" step mom asked
"O my God how could I do such a thing" I turned around Seeing a smirk on my step mom's face.
"Good morning and good bye Riley" I said, kissed her on the cheek and walked out the door.
"Dad!" I yelled
"Son ah their you are look you're going to be late for school so I'm just going to break it down to you now." He said.
I'm really worried anytime dad says something like this it's bad news.
"Ok dad spill it"
"Well do you remember the place where Riley was from?" He asked.
"Yeah" I replied
"Well there are reports saying that children are missing and terrible accidents are happening there and.."
"No no no why dad we're moving again" I said in a sad voice.
My boy I'm sorry I know you have good friends here and you have a good reputation at your school but they need help and.." he gasped
"I get it dad it's your job I better go" I mumbled.
"Thanks son" he smiled
I then hugged him and leave.

(At school)

~Bell rings ~
I'm right on time
"Hey Max" said a group of girl giggling.
I wasn't in the mood to flirt so I just passed them anyways not only that but these girl a so easy to get. All I have to do is is look them in the eyes, smile, tell them that there are beautiful and their panties are off already. Man if I was a man hoe I would have gone through all these girl already.

"Yow Max!" A voice shouted
I bet it's Draven the only time I see him is when he wants me to hook up with a girl my God he is annoying.
"No" I said
"How did you know bro?" He confusingly said.
"Because it's the only time I see you" I said

He doesn't gets it almost all the girls at my school aren't virgins. Being the only popular guy who is not a man whore makes me so attractive not only that but also my physical features. I'm mixed complexion, I have light brown eyes, long eyelashes, a well defined midnight eyebrows, a Sharpe jawline and dark curly hair I don't need to go any further also not to mention my sweet charming and cocky personality. Ha now I know why I am single I'm way into myself, just kidding.

"Max Max Max back to earth bro" Draven laughed.
"Did you do your homework" Draven asked.
"What homework!" I panicked
"The chemistry homework"
"Dude you forget to do your homework ahah." He laughed
"Bro what am I going to do ugh" I said angrily
"Well good luck to you I'm skipping class best idea ever right, all I have to do is give it to him tomorrow." He laughs
"Bro we have morning registration" I said looking at him

"Well I guess I will skip that too" he mumbled folding his arms

"Dude what about the other classes the teacher will ask if you came to school for any other classes remember" I said laughing at him

"Well I guess I will just skip those classes too." he said

"Bro you might as well just go back home" I laughed

"Yeah you're right later bro" he said walking away

"Yeah bye" I said shaking my head

I didn't get to tell any of my friends I'm going away. I just went home, ate, took a shower and went to bed. Well we're moving again, I thought here was my home where I will stay, but no only for one year. Back then I never get to make close friends because we would have moved every two months it's also one of the reasons why my dad and mom break up. I finally have close friends and a good reputation at my school but now it's ruin.

~ How was it,was my story boring was it ok, funny . If I made any mistakes in my story please let me know. Also tell me your favorite part in the story. Also I will appreciate if you like my story and follow me. 🙂 If your don't 😑........................😑..................................... I will do nth to be honest.😂

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