19 - Getting To Know Them

Start from the beginning

"Hey!" I heard a shout from behind Leon and I. Before I could turn around, someone smashed right into Leon, sending him flying away from the log that he was sat on. Him and the other person tumbled on the dirt, and I laughed.

"Fuck off, you disgusting dog!" Leon shouted as he pushed his brother off him. The one that I assumed was Lucas chuckled and rolled away before sitting up. Leon rolled his eyes at him.

"Ooh, are we starting to investigate her already? Okay, sounds fun. I'm in," Lucas said, shifting closer to me. Leon sat himself back on the log again, dusting himself off as he shook his head.

"This is Lucas. The dud of the family," Leon told me, motioning to Lucas, who growled.

"Don't listen to him. He's a sour wolf," Lucas told me quickly. I saluted him and he grinned at me. I couldn't help but smile either.

I already liked both these males. They were oddly calming to be around. They seemed goofy and fun to be around, but I was sure that they were serious at the right times.

Lucas turned around and looked at someone. I wasn't sure who he was looking out but he flipped them off and then looked back to me with a smirk.

"Your little boyfriend is jealous of us because you already like us more than you like him," Lucas grinned one of the biggest shit-eating grins I had ever seen. He was definitely cocky.

But it made me smile and I liked it.

Not the mention, the idea of Liam being my boyfriend was incredibly wonderful for me. I craved seeing him so badly, and his touch on my arms. But I knew that I had to take my time. I couldn't rush into anything right now.

"So here's an idea. In three days, there's going to be a big bear hunt. A lot of people are going. You should come along too," Lucas abruptly said. Leon smiled at what his brother said.

My wolf rumbled at the thought of getting her teeth around the neck of a bear. My stomach growled, hungry. The mention of a kill that good made me want to dreamily sigh.

I'd never killed a bear before. It would be rewarding.

"Really?" I asked him. Leon nodded and motioned behind him into the trees.

"We head out that way and go far into the east. They have heaps of bear up that way," Leon explained to me. I nodded. "Plus, if you came, and killed yourself a big bear, you'd make a big statement before you joined the pack. No one messes with a strong wolf."

"Except for Anthony. He's a pain in my damn ass," Lucas muttered under his breath. I almost sighed in relief. I was glad that I wasn't one of the only people who despised Anthony.

"He's a dick," I said quickly. Leon nodded and agreement and Lucas only smiled.

"I'll talk to Ezra about it. Thanks for the invite," I said to the two brothers. They nodded their heads at me and Lucas stood up. He held his hand out to me.

He helped me up and then Leon held out his hand too. Lucas rolled his eyes and Leon groaned before pushing himself up. I studied the two males.

They were strong. They each had a body to die for and a face carved by God himself. They had muscles on every part of their bodies and their blood hummed a melody. They were intimidating, for sure, but I found myself feeling rather comfortable with them.

"So, little sister, you hungry?" Leon asked me as we began to walk. We walked in the opposite direction of my cabin. I'm assuming they were taking me to theirs.

"Always. I have quite the appetite," I told them as my belly rumbled. They both chuckled at me as we passed by Lila who was just finishing up with her training. She trotted over to us and greeted me with a wide grin.

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