Chapter 20:- Wait, You're a Gangster?

Start from the beginning

"Akaash, you said Uncle was coming to pick you up right? So where is he?", I asked trying to not look concerned.

He paused the music, looked at me in the eye and said, "He's been Abducted."

So let that sink in. Yes, take your time, because I was confused as to what should my reply be? Should it just be "Oh you're joking right?", or should it be, "Oh what are you going to do about that?". Either way, I wasn't in any situation to help him, so I just stared back at him with a blank face. 

Akaash pulled himself back to his seat and he was back to his business of scrolling through Instagram.

"So wait, did I hear something wrong or do you just don't care that your Dads missing?", I turned back from the front seat, reaching out to the prick.

"Not really, it's just a matter of fact that we need to get rid of some people. That's it.", he replied while still not looking up from his phone.

This was different, I had never seen this kind of behaviour from Akaash. Then again his choice of words as a reply didn't really give me any hint as to who was the culprit, so I just let it slide by assuming that he was having mood swings.


We arrived at this big mansion that looked somewhat like Akaash's Farmhouse that he talks about a lot, but that's in Pune so it wouldn't make sense. So I step out of the car and walked towards the Door of the house following Akaash, then for some reason, I glanced at my phone because of which I noticed the location. It was showing PUNE! 

For a second I just stood there outside the Door trying to figure how and why was I here? Then Akaash screamed, "John! Come in bro, I need to show you something."

"Coming!", I ran upstairs towards the direction of the sound.

Man, this house was HUGE! Like a family of 6 could just stay in separate parts of the house for weeks and meet each other in the main hall and it would feel like they just came back from a mini-vacation!

I opened the suspected Door to the room and there I saw, a 16-year-old prick looking smart in a Tuxedo and wait, what's in his hand? My face changed expression drastically as I walked up to Akaash's dressing room.

"Hey! What's that in your hand mister? Show it to me right now!", I yelled.

Akaash just stared at me in surprise and turned back to his full-size mirror and continued to dress himself up.

"John, could you pass me that knife?", he asked.

"Why would you need a knife?", I questioned.

"Just give it to me already.", he smirked.

I walked up to the table and picked up the knife and walked up to him.

"Isn't she just a beauty?", he asked.

"Who?", I asked while handing over the knife.

"This knife John! She's a cold-blood murder weapon used only for special occasions.", he smiled.

I laughed back.

"So what do you cut with it? Salmon? Rich Meat at Get-togethers?", I added.

Akaash looked back and face-palmed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I did not really tell you why we were here, didn't I?", he laughed back.

"Uhh...yeah", I said.

Akaash walks up to the cupboard and opens it up. He picks up a similar Tuxedo and hands it over to me.

"Here, wear this first and then we'll talk."

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