제 8 장 --JM

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  ⚠️ JM.POV//WERA ⚠️ 

 After spending a few hours with Namjoon, I felt better. I told him how I was feeling yet he still did not know about my strange stalker. I did not mention him - it could have gone out of hand. Finally, I decided that I'm going to confront him. What could go wrong?

I take out my phone from my pocket, Namjoon sat next to me. I tried to camouflage my phone so that he wouldn't see it (Luckily, he didn't).  Tapping my recent post, I try to remind myself of that sick man's username. Min Yoongi, was it? I tap on his profile and look at his most recent post - a selca. It had the worst possible angle, does this man even know how to take photos?

Exiting out of his latest photo, I start thinking about what I should say to him. Should I be formal? Should I be rude and tell him how I feel? Should I tell him how it's been affecting me? I sigh.

"What's going on?" enquired Namjoon, he seemed concerned.

"I- um.. nothing," I stuttered, "it really isn't important."

"Well obviously it."

I didn't want to tell him. I didn't want to worry him. I didn't want him to find out. I look at so-called 'minyoongi's profile and tapped the 'Send Message' button and begin to type out my message to him.

'Hey there buddy' I typed. Wait no. I stop and look at what I wrote. 'Hey there buddy'? I give myself an imaginary facepalm. Am I really that ridiculous? Wanting this pervert to take me seriously, I try again, Namjoon still staring at me in concern yet not knowing anything. 

"Listen, I'm here if you need me." he announced.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," I reply as if I was ignoring him.

"Something's not right, you're acting weird." he said, a hint of perplexion in his masculine voice. Continuing to ignore him, I start typing again.

'Good evening. I read you're comments on my recent post and i just wanted to say that they make me feel uncomfortable. This is not the first time that you've said these types of things and I've ignored it in the past. I'm kindly asking you to refrain from saying these things. Should you have any queries, please contact my manager. -pjm' Perfect. 

"Namjoon, I'm gonna be okay."

"A-are you sure? You really seem out of your mind today" he stumbled.

"Yes, I'm going to be fine," I respond, "Go home, enjoy your evening."

"I-," Namjoon sighed, "fine, call me if you need me."

"Aren't you going somewhere?" Leading him to the door, I tap the send button on the messages and wait patiently for the reply, not knowing that it would take an eternity for this creature to reply.

"Shit, you're right." He leaned on the door frame, a sad look engulfing his face.

"Listen, I'll be fine," I say, reassuringly.

"You better be, kid," He voiced, grabbing hold of my shoulders and looking me deep in the eyes.

"I'll let you know if anything happens."

Slamming the door shut behind Namjoon, I feel relieved. He won't be nagging me anymore and I'll be able to do what I want.

Sitting and waiting for a response, I think of ways to kill time. A good one would be to clean up that vomit on the floor. 

The Bare Truth // Yoonmin AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora