Chapter 4

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Eren's p.o.v.

"Eren!" Yells Armin and approaches me. I have just gotten out of my Math class and damn, I have a horrible headache. And the main cause is... MATH.

"Hey, Armout. Wanna get lunch?" I ask while yawning and he nods.

We walk to the cafeteria and sit on our usual table, with the crazy people we usually sit with. 

As always, Sasha is stealing Connie's food, but he never gets mad, as he has been crushing on her for a very long time, without her knowing of course.

And of course Ymir is about to eat Krista's face, they really never stop making out. But I still find it hella cute.  I smile.

Jean is flirting with our freckled Jesus , aka Marco and they look so damn adorable. I honestly wish the best for them.

And for someone to love me as well.

I brush the thought off and sit down, taking a bite of my sandwich.

I still think bout that man from yesterday. The way he looked at me. My heart starts beating fast . Noone has ever made my heart rush like that. I blush.

No! I can't fall for a stranger that I might never see again. I have enough things to worry about than a hopeless crush. 

I look up and see all the people at the table looking at me.

"I-is something the matter?" I ask.

"We asked you about five times how you feel, but you didn't even look up. You sure alright?" Asks Marco and Jean sighs.

"Why you so worried bout that idiot? He seems fine. He is probably in love, as far as I can tell" he says and smirks.

My eyes widen and my cheeks blush.

"Ha! I called it! So, say, Eren! Who is the lucky girl?" Asks Jean and everyone goes quiet , waiting for my reply.

Why can't they mind their own business?

"I-I never said th-that I was in love..." I reply but honestly, who am I trying to convince?

Everyone raises their eyebrows and look at me.
"Yeah, we totally don't buy this crap. Ok if you don't wanna tell us then fine" says Ymir and leaves with Krista for their next class.

"E-excuse me" I say and get up, walking fast towards the bathroom.

I got into one and shut the door behind me. Why does my life have to be like this?

Having this job, I am not able to make any commitments. Any relationships.

And, on top of it all, I seem to like  a person that I might never see again.

Tears start rolling down my cheeks. I have disappointed everyone. Mikasa, myself, the people that think that I am a good person.

I wipe my tears and get up. I have to rush to make it to my next class now. I start walking fast , trying to forget the reason I was crying.

Levi's p.o.v.

I get back home from work, having one thing on my mind.

Go there again tonight.

It is afternoon, so I have plenty of time until I leave to pay a visit to the place I didn't even want to hear about a day ago.

Will he be there again tonight? Oh God, I hope so!

Maybe I could ask for a private dance... wait is that even possible? Oh and imagine how bad it would make him feel to dance for a stranger.

I clench my teeth. Stranger.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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