Chapter 3

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Eren's p.o.v.

I get off the stage and go to the back of the club to change clothes. I am breathing heavily and sweat is dripping from my forehead. I can barely walk, I am exhausted.

I change into  my comfortable hoodie and jeans , getting rid of those tight shorts.

I was actually quite satisfied by my performance tonight. And I wasn't the  only  one.

A man in the crowd looked completely taken aback by my performance. I am so damn happy I managed to make someone feel like that.

I also blinked at him as a than you before I left the stage. I smirk at the memory.

He was a pretty attractive man. I wish he comes here again. I would love to give him a lap dance.

Wait what?

I was always disgusted at the thought of satisfying strangers like that , so why do I feel like this now?

I sigh and put on my jacket, walking towards the bar counter to say goodbye to Hanji and Mike.

"Eren!!" Yells Hanji. "You did such an amazing job! I can't believe it! It was as if you have been doing this for years!" She adds and gives me a bone-breaking bear hug.

"Uh, thanks, I guess. I told you I would do my best" I replied and tried to escape.

"So you go rest and ok?" She says and finally breaks the hug, letting me breath.

"See you tomorrow Eren!" The both yell as I close the door behind me.

I get out and the night air slaps my face. I breath in. I made it today too. I grab my phone and call Mikasa to tell her I am fine and ask bout her day.

That's what we do everyday. I makes me feel calm. Like I belong somewhere.

Even if I really don't.

Levi's p.o.v.

I close the door behind me and take my shoes and jacket off.

I sigh and sit on the couch, feeling exhausted , but also energetic as ever.

I can't stop thinking about the stripper. Geez, I even friken masturbated to thoughts of him. I bite my lip at the memory and try to brush it off as fast as I can.

I grab my sketchbook and my pencil. Seems like I have something to do tonight. I chuckle.


After two hours of sketching and drawing, I leave my pencil down and admire my work.

I had managed to draw his mesmerizing lustful emerald eyes and chocolate brown hair , as well as his half-open lips, forming a smirk.

I have never spent so much time drawing before, I was always too bored to finish any of my works, no matter how good they turned out to be.

But this one certainly is a keeper. Now I have him captured in paper. So that I can have him mine...

Damn I really have to chill. I really don't know what is wrong with me tonight. Being obsessed and even drawing a stranger.

I get up , shocked as realisation hit me. I am acting so creepy, I really need to stop.

Maybe drinking some water and taking a warm shower will do the trick.

I turn off the living room lights and head to the kitchen. I pour some cold water into a glass and try to forget bout the stranger.

*timeskip brought to you by Levi's gay thoughts*

I turn off the bathroom lights and move to my bedroom, where I wear a pair of boxers and lay down to sleep.

I can't get comfortable and start changing positions. And I can't get rid of him either. Stuck in my mind.

After almost two pointless hours of thinking ,I finally give up on trying to sleep and decide to make some tea and drink it on the balcony.

It is a warm night and the smell of nightflowers calms me down a bit.

What could he be doing now? Would he have a decent house? If he chose such a job then probably not. Is he asleep? Or is he with someone else? Could he be in a relationship? What if-?

I groan and take an aggressive sip of my tea. Damn, why can't I stop thinking about him? I look at the cars on the street.

All those people have somewhere to go. Someone to share their pain with. To hug them when they feel low. Someone they can show affection to.

I, on the other hand, have absolutely no one. My only friend is Erwin, and we never really talk about our problems. So I would always keep them for myself.

And for my wrists and my blade.

*next morning* (no-I-am-not-bored-to-write)

Beep beep. Beep beep.

I press the snooze button with force and curse. I barely managed to sleep last night and now I have go to friken work.

I blink and try to get used to the morning light coming through the blinds. I yawn and get up. 

After I finish with my morning routine including dressing, showering and trying-to-but-not-really eating breakfast, my eye catches my last night's drawing.

Suddenly, I have an idea. My eyes widen , but then my lips form a smirk.

What if I go there again tonight?

Hey , my dirty little yaoi freaks!

Thanks a lot for reading my story and I am extremely sorry for this short ass chapter.

I might not be able to update this week cuz of too much homework, but I promise I will try my best! 😚

I hope u liked this chapter! If so , leave a vote!

Have an amazing day/night! 😚❤😍

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