Sparrow Muka (Yugioh 5Ds)

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Name: Sparrow 

Last: Muka

From: Satellite

Mark: Her mark is on/over her right eye.

Talints/Powers: Can see duel spirits and she is a psychic duelist. She uses a duel runner.

Singer: Yes

Singer mark: In her left eye.

Deck: Ghost girl/dragons/warriors.

Spirit Monster: Laven The Dragon Keeper.

Ace: Zeus Dragon: Bult the Thunder Dragon. 

Personality: Cold to everyone lintel you get to know her she is sassy and sarcastic.

Looks: She has short orange hair and she has green eyes and pale-ish skin. Sparrow wears a dark purple shirt with a black jacket over it. On her left hand she has a brown and light gray glove with chains on it. Sparrow wears black and dark purple pants with her deck in one of the back pockets. Sparrow shouse are black and white converse.

 Duel runner: Her runner is a dark blue color with silver ascents.

Duel Disk: Her duel disk is a dark red color with gold ascents.

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