Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 13

Começar do início

Ella: (Blushes and giggles) Oh David! (They kiss)

(Amy just rips the tablet off the string and slams it on the ground)

Amy: (Angry) I hate that guy!

Chris: (Loudspeakers) You owe me 1000 dollars for that tablet; so you better win that million if you want any chance of paying me back.

(Amy just growls)

(End Confessional)

(Cuts to The Dock of Shame as the silhouette of The Boat of Losers arrives. It then cuts to the silhouette of 4 pairs of feet running across the dock; one pair being completely barefoot. The silhouetted figures then run into the cabin; a muscular man and a short chubby guy running into Amy' room while a short girl and a tall man run into Sammy's room. Cuts to Sammy sleeping in bed before she wakes up. She is surprised and excited to see Sky and Topher watching her from the bunk bed on the other side of the cabin.)

Sammy: SKY! (She and Sky run up to each other and share a hug) I'm so happy that you are here. When did you get here?

Sky: We arrived about an hour ago.

Sammy: Why didn't you wake me up when you got here? We could have had an early morning sleepover.

Sky: That would have been nice but we wanted you to sleep. You're going to need all the rest you need if you want to be fully focused and have a chance to beat Amy.

Sammy: Now there's the Sky we all know; always thinking about her team so we don't lose. Are you sure you don't want to give your Olympic dream a second chance.

Sky: I'm sure!

(Both girls just smile at each other until Sammy's stomach growls)

Sammy: (Blushes) Oh, I guess it's time for breakfast.

Topher: I'll sneak into the tent and find something for you. You two just stay here and chat about whatever you want.

Sammy: Thanks Topher! (She watches him leave before she turns back to Sky and looks down at her feet) So you decided to go barefoot just like me.

Sky: Yeah! I didn't want my sneakers anymore and I wanted to support you. Also gymnasts don't really wear shoes when they compete. So I like walking around barefoot just as much as you do.

Sammy: Thanks Sky!

Sky: So you were finally able to get rid of your boots huh?

Sammy: It was the only good thing about getting stuck in the swamp. I'm more of a flip flops and flats kind of girl. But I did love the color of my boots though.

Sky: Hmm, maybe I'll get a pair of flats and flip flops too; but in purple and not white since purple is my favorite color.

Sammy: That's nice! Maybe someday they'll make clear flats and flip flops so it looks like we're walking around with no shoes at all.

Sky: I would support that idea.

(Topher returns)

Sammy: Did you find anything?

Topher: Chef was already there getting breakfast ready when I got there. So I guess we'll be eating soon.

Sammy: (Shrugs) I can wait another few minutes.

(They suddenly hear Amy screaming next door. They run into her room and see her wrapping her arms and legs around one of the beams on the ceiling looking angrily at Lightning and Max.)

Amy: What are you two doing in my room?

Max: Chris wanted us to stay with our respected finalist; including when they were still asleep.

Total Drama Return to the IslandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora