Chapter 18: The Fates Really Enjoy Contradictions.

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Completely unrelated but awesome song- Talledega by Eric Church. (Cover)

Seriously every other one was copywrited and wouldn't play on wattpad like dang.

Thank you for 17K!!!!!!!!!!Typing this on my birthday (August 26) with a fractured wrist when I should be doing 58 math problems. Be grateful I hate leaving you guys hanging for this long.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"WHAT" Nearly the entire awake room yelled out at once in shock, save the wolves who were still processing the information.

The Angels just blinked, unable to comprehend all of the separate emotions being thrown at them.

It was at that moment that the Fates got tired of speaking through Percy and just flashed into the throne room.

"It takes far too long to explain anything to Perseus." Clotho stated in response to the shocked faces of the room.

"Every Wolf in this room, and not, was meant to be a god. They shall replace the Olympians, when that time comes."

"Replace us!" We don't need to be REPLACED!"

"There are many arguments to be held against that statement." Alabaster stated.

"What kind of 'arguments'?" Artemis scoffed.

"How many times per day do you gods argue? How many times per day do each of you decide to hate each other more? How terrible is your king to all of you?"

The entire Olympian council fell silent at that.

The truth.

"That doesn't mean that we should be replaced! Every family has issues."

"It is not a choice. Whether it happens today or in five thousand years, it will happen. You gods believe that you have the ability to avoid fate, that is not so." Atropos stated coldly.

"Why do we need to replace them? can't we just rule beside them?" Annabeth cleverly intervened.

"That is not the way of fate." Clotho stated coldly.

"You said yourself that fate is susceptible to change." Percy replied stiffly, in an even colder tone.

"That may be true, however this is set." Lachesis glared.

"No." Percy denied.

"What do you mean by that, Champion?" Clotho stated dangerously.

"I would rather you keep my sight then make me a god."

The entire room gasped.

By this time all of the gods and goddesses were awake and present.

Some, like Zeus, couldn't speak however.

"You act as though you have a choice. One more word, and we will make you both a god and blind. We cannot have a blind King of the gods, now can we Alpha?"

Percy growled darkly.

"I have a proposition." Amatria spoke suddenly.

"What would that be, Angel?" Hestia replied calmly, with extreme curiosity.

"Take the positions temporarily, after the war the gods will be allowed to reclaim their positions. Take it as a family counciling session, and you will be able to help the demigods as the ancient laws lift."

"Did you just find a loophole for winning a war?" Krystal asked dumbstruck.

"Yes." Amatria replied numbly.


"Oh shut it King. Your arrogance is what is bringing the end to your reign. You will still have your petty abilities." Atropos scolded.

"Anyone opposed to this movement?" All three Fates asked.

Every god's hand rose, as well as Percy's.

"All in favor?"

"I'll become a goddess." Krystal stated.

"I'm not opposed to being a god..." Nico added quietly.

"I suppose... I am not opposed either." Annabeth stated.

"Wait! Will they still be Wolves?" Artemis intervened.

"Of course. They will be a new breed of gods."

"But they'll replace us." Apollo answered with hatred and disapproval clear in his voice.

"Not necessarily." Clotho replied.

"That is literally what you just said." Thalia all but yelled.

"Is it what we said, or what thou interpreted?"

"Stop with the games, Seers. Just explain yourselves. Or better yet, we shall do it for you." Alabaster stated.

"The Fates say the gods need to be replaced, to win this war. The Wolves should be in control. But why?" Aña questioned.

"Because, the Greeks are disorganized and hate each other. The Wolves, although they refuse to say it to each other, are the closest-or will be the closest- family on this earth. They work together well, and do not disrespect their competent leader." Amatria replied.

"As Amatria mentioned moments ago, you need famlily counciling and a way to help the demigods directly. There is no other way to win this war against Satan, an army of demons, Titans, and who knows what else! Do you wish to lose this battle, or do you wish to momentarily step down and live?" Alexander berated.

The entire room was silent. Even Percy wasn't saying anything sassy. For once.

Annabeth glanced at her mate, seeing his eyes glow silver, gold, and green in a swirling design.

His thoughts were raging moments ago, but now only one emotion was prominent.

It could only be described by one word.


This time, every hand rose in favor of the demi-wolves replacing the gods until the war ended against all the evils in America.

This might take a while.

How are they going to explain this to camp?

Sorry that was a sucky filler.


Damn. Thats my emotion right now. I was gone WAY too long. We can blame that on multiple things, such as homework and the current diagnoses of my wrist. Stress fracture on a growth plate and nerve damage. Ouch. Happy birthday to me. I'll try to update soon, but I have to wear a brace for four weeks, so...

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