Chapter 15: A Quest?

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Song- Alone Together by the Baes. (Aka Fall Out Boy)

This chapter is dedicated to my amazing editing friend Avenger13. Thanks for all your help, friend.

I still don't have a computer so bear with the editing needs. I have fixed the other chapters.

Percy P.O.V.

"What?" Percy asked the audience blindly. Again.

"H-how did you know that?" Rachel asked.

'Should I tell them the Fate thing?' he mind linked Annabeth.

'It would seem like the wise thing to do.' she replied sensibly.

He could always count on her for that.

"Well... I am the Champion of Fate."

"Thats why I'm blind..." he mumbled.

"Wait, you're blind?!?" Clarisse asked, suddenly concerned whilst missing the point entirely.

"Yes, I'm blind. But that isn't the point here." he sighed.

"Oh. Then what was the point again?"

"The aforementioned point was that the Seaweed Brain is the Champion of the Fates." Annabeth replied, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

"Wait. The Fates picked him for that?!?" Rachel yelled out in astonished shock.

"Yes, they picked me because they wanted to keep an eye on me. I was blinded in a fight I wasn't supposed to get in, so they are punishing me by keeping me blind until my birthday." Percy bitterly answered his friend.

"Oh." Was all she said to that.

"On another note, the prophecy?" Artemis attempted to get them back on track.

"Oh, yes. That. Anyone have any ideas on meanings?" Chiron turned to both Annabeth and her replacement Cabin Leader, Malcolm.

"I might be able to decipher some." Annabeth spoke up after a moment.

"Do tell." Artemis prodded.

"Well, the part where it says 'The seas will be united' most likely refers to the lords of the sea. Poseidon, and most likely Oceanus. 'New leaders will arise from the old... hmm that could mean that the gods will no longer be in power, some anyway, and others will take their place? 'to wolf the world shall turn'... I guess everyone needs our help. Other than that, I really have no idea whatsoever." Annabeth analyzed.

"Sounds good to me." Her mate replied, backing her ideas.

"I believe that this calls for a quest." Chiron stated.

"To where? What would the members even be trying to do? That was REALLY cryptic." Katie, head councilor for Demeter replied in utter confusion.

"Olympus. It said the gods will burn. We'll just have to wait and see when that happens." Percy said.

"But how will we know when to go? It could be years before that happens." Travis, head of the Hermes cabin, said anxiously as every camper went pale.

"If we leave at dawn we'll get there right on time." Percy said confidently, his eyes turning golden again as his markings glowed through his orange t-shirt.

"So its settled. Percy will lead this quest. Who will you be taking with you?" Chiron stated, surprising everyone.

"You're letting a blind werewolf lead a quest." Percy remarked.

"Yes, as a response to your rhetorical question." the centaur replied.

"Okay then. I'm taking Anna, Nico, Krystal, Thalia, Pheobe, Alexandra, Travis, Katie, and Clarisse."

"THAT IS TEN PEOPLE! ONLY THREE GO ON A QUEST AT A TIME!" Malcom, Athena's head councilor screamed.

"Three Campers. I am taking three Campers, three huntresses, and four wolves counting myself. Technically only two gods know about the wolves, so we don't really count. Its basically six people. The hunters don't count for this, however. Besides, we need an Army for what is coming. Ten will barely be able to handle it." Percy growled in defense as his Alpha tone of voice slipped out and both his eyes and markings began glowing blindingly.

Everyone except Annabeth flinched and covered their eyes.

"So its final." Mr. D, who suddenly made himself known to everyone said, clapping his hands and leaving, probably to get back to his wine magazine or whatever party he would rather be attending.

"I guess we're adjourned." Chiron chuckled, dismissing everyone. As he also said, "The quest leaves at dawn for Olympus."

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