Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 12

Start from the beginning

(Chef and Sammy laugh)

Chef: That's kind of true. OK, I do like you so I'll let you off with a warning. Just get dressed and report to the tent.

Sammy: (Salutes) Yes sir!

(Chef salutes back as he leaves)


Sammy: Amy doesn't snore like that all the time. It only happens when she's really knocked out. Even Mommy can't sleep with all that noise.

(End Confessional)

(Cuts to everyone inside the tent. An intern serves the final 3 their breakfast.)

Chef: Before we start today's challenge, you all must eat this disgusting boot camp gruel. First one to finish, gets an advantage.

Amy: What is in this stuff?

Chef: Just some ground up meat with some other things that soldiers eat.

Brick: Well, this is no tough challenge for me. (He takes a bite out of his breakfast) Mmm, another great meal has been served. Well done Chef!

Chef: (Takes a bow) Thanks Brick!

Sammy: (Taking a bite) Hmm, you know what? I had worse meals; and I don't include the eggs with the dirt and bugs in them. This is tolerable.

Chef: I can accept that compliment.

Amy: (Taking a bite) Hmm, taste like spaghetti.

Brick: What makes you say that?

Amy: Because of the meat and sauce combined with the noodles that are in here.

Chef: Uh, noodles?

Sammy: Those things aren't noodles. And it's a good thing that Carrie isn't competing with us now.

Amy: (Annoyed) Why are you including her in this? (She then realizes why) Wait a minute! Are you telling me that these things are actually...?

Sammy: (Holding up a spoonful of food) Worms!

(The worms wiggle in Sammy's spoon. Amy drops her spoon as her checks bulge.)


Amy: (Puking into a bucket) I said it before and I'll say it again; I hate Chef's cooking. (She vomits again)

(Cuts to Sammy's)

Sammy: Oh yeah, she also made me eat worms back then just like Carrie's Sister did to Carrie; only I took it much better than her.

(End Confessional)

Sammy: Worms really are gross, but...

Amy: (Angry) If you say that they actually taste good I'll barf all over you.

(Sammy just takes another bite)

Brick: (Holding up his bowl) Done!

Chef: Brick wins the pre-challenge; as if it was going to be a surprise.

Amy: Good, (she swats her bowl away) because I wasn't going to finish this. I don't need an advantage.

Chef: You'll actually wish you had because this is a solo act; unless you finished eating first, then you would have chosen a partner to help you out.


Amy: (Annoyed) It wouldn't have mattered either because there is no way in (CENSORED) that I'm going to team up with these freaks.

(End Confessional)

Chef: Brick, as if I need to ask, but who do you want as a team mate?

Brick: Sammy!

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