You and Rose chuckle at Jackson's sense of humor.

"So how did you two love birds meet?" Brie asks.

"Well we were actually in the wrong clas–"

"Hey man! I finally found you! Me and the boys were looking for yo–" He pauses as he sees y'all.

"What's up dude. I'm actually meeting Jennie's friends right now." Jackson responds.

"That's cool." He turns around and starts to shout. "Hey guys, he's over here!"

Two other boys walk towards your spot. They freeze as they see you. Brie and Rose gawk at the boys.

"This is Brie, Rose, and y/n." Jackson pronounces. "These are my friends Mark, BamBam, and Jinyoung but we call him Junior, well sometimes."

"Hey BamBam. I didn't know Jackson was your friend?"

"I could say the same thing Brie." BamBam says, pointing his chin towards Jennie.

"Wait you guys know each other?" Rose questions.

"Yeah he's my older brother." Brie mumbles.

"Alright then, let's go dance. Isn't that why we came here for?" You comment.

"Yes let's go." Brie says in an annoyed tone.

"No wait!" Jennie shouts. "You guys can dance with the boys."

"I am not dancing with BamBam." Brie mutters in a stern tone.

"Fine. Y/n, you dance with BamBam and Jinyoung will dance with Brie. Happy?"

She nods and grabs Jinyoung's hand. She pulls him out to the dance floor as he makes puppy eyes at you. Mark and Rose walk out to the floor as well.

"Alright BamBam. Do you know how to dance?" You ask.

"A little. What about you princess?"

As BamBam called you princess it instantly reminded you of Joonie and Jimin. They use to call you that all the time. It's been a while since you heard that nickname and of them. You ponder if those two are still doing okay.

"So do you dance?" He asks again and you refocus on the situation.

"Uh. Yeah I do, a little as well."

"Let's test our luck then."

He lifts his arm like gentleman and you instantly link your arm to his. This gesture reminded you of Jungkook. He use to do this with you all the time. You ponder if he even remember you anymore. BamBam and you reach the dance floor.

You start dancing to the rhythm of the music. BamBam began to dance like if he had a stick up his ass. It's too funny to even watch as you can't stop laughing at his crazy moves. Jackson and Jennie watch you two from afar. They start to laugh at BamBam's horrible dancing and they instantly feel bad for you.

"They make a really cute couple don't you think?" Jennie asks Jackson.

"Not really. I feel like Jinyoung and her make a cute couple."

"Why?" Jennie asks kind of confused.

"Because that's Brie's brother and it would be bad for all of us if they date."

"Okay I see your point. I mean I guess Jinyoung and y/n would look cute."

"We just gotta make sure they have some alone time to talk." He said trying to plan out something.

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