"ELEVEN rubles?"

Comincia dall'inizio

...Uber it is.

My phone vibrates in my hand as I lock the front door. Emilio's name and face flashes across the screen and I don't hesitate to answer. "Hey Emilio."

I look down on at the screen expecting to see Emilio's face but I catch sight of Paws' bright eyes instead. "Hi baby." The feline meows at the sound of my voice. "Do you miss me?"

"Yes, she does."

Emilio answers and I chuckle softly. My Uber is a few meters away and since I didn't want the call to drop, I opted to take the stairs. "I'll come visit soon. I guess. Saw your game today, I didn't see you though."

"I didn't play today."

I furrow my eyebrows at that. "Why? Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. But we have about thirty-one players in our squad. Everyone needs a chance, yes?"

I nod my head at that. "That's true. I'm just glad you're not injured or anything of the sort."

"Even if that was the case, I do have a doctor to take care of me."

I laugh as I carefully make my descent. "Well Timothy did mention you guys have a team doctor." Emilio playfully rolls his eyes at me as I pretend to not get his joke. 

"Are you heading out?"

I nod my head. "Yeah. Um, a friend invited me to hang out with some people." I try to remember Emilio's temperament when he first met Christopher - I don't think the footballer opened up to Christopher.

"Is Ben coming?" I shake my head. "Um, then is your friend from the hospital coming?"

"Samantha? No. She has a shift tonight." I look back at the screen just in time to see Emilio's expression changing. "What's that look on your face?"

"Nothing. Just be careful. Call Ben as soon as you're ready to leave. Or you know, you can call me. Anytime."

 I furrow my eyebrows at that. "Ben is out with Kate." I open the door to the lobby then take a deep breath as I look back at the screen. "I'll be fine, Emilio."

He doesn't look convinced and so I flash him a small smile which I hope reassures him. It's the same one I give to Alexander and Ben to make them feel better and not worry over me. "I'll text you when I get home. Okay?"


The Uber arrives as Emilio and I exchange goodbyes. 

My Uber driver didn't make much conversation and so I had time to think - which is actually a bad idea for someone like me who tends to overthink. I have men around me who wants the best for me - there's Alexander, my stepbrother; Ben, my best friend; and of course, my father.

Since Emilio and I met, it seems I can now add him to that list. But is that even a good idea? We don't even know each other that well. But it's just so easy talk to him, and I can tell he cares about me - in the same way that Ben does.

On the other hand, all the men in my life seem to think that I can't handle myself at all. Even Emilio thinks that he barely knows me. Is there something that I'm doing that immediately shows other people that I'm not too sure about myself?

Is this why I've failed in my past romantic relationships? It's quite obvious that most men wouldn't want a girlfriend who requires the same level of care that a child does.


Is that it? Is immaturity my fatal flaw?

The questions linger in my mind as I walk up the short flight of steps to the front door of Christopher's house. I hear laughter mixed with cheer coming from inside and I take a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. If everything goes well tonight, then I won't have to worry about dying alone. 

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