I kinda may have sort of have a liken into you?

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Sonica's POV

"What do you want to talk about?" Xan asked as he open the fridge and took out a carton of milk.

"Ummm," I hummed as he drink from the carton of milk, then wipe his mouth with the back of his hands.


"Umm about duty number five, what was that all about?" I asked not finding the guts to really tell him that I liked him.

"Ohh, that, you still didn't complete that one," he stated huskily as he stalked up to me with a little smirk.

"I- I know, its just that-"

"Man I want to kiss you so bad," he sighed out again.

"Xan, I dont think this is -" before my statement was whole, lips crashed down to mine as stood there stiff

His lips were soft and moist, as he devours my lips with passion.

Soon, giving up, and with all courage drawn within me, I kissed him back, allowing him to explore my mouth, soft moans escaped his mouth as he dwell in the kisses.

Finally we pull apart as he stare down at me with sparkling eyes.

"Okay, that was..."

"Good," he pitched in, showing me a beautiful smile

I mean like a real smile

Xander Reid is smiling for the first time and not smirking!!

"Sonica I know that I dont deserve you, an that we barely know anything about each other,  and I know that we have our differences, and those are evident, but I really, want to take a chance with you, in the beginning, I admit, I was a jerk, a real..."

"Bumass," I pitched in.

"Yeah, and I know that I've done so much things to hurt you and let you feel out of place, but for the first time, I want to be honest with myself, the reason why I had confronted you, because you were the first girl, that I've ever made eye contact with, and didn't get an erection, I stayed with you because you are the first female person, that I feel really comfortable with, I look at you so often because you are the most beautiful person that I've ever seen in my life. I only see you as mine, and no other.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I want you to take a chance with me, with us to change me for the better, would you?"

With tear stain eyes, I smiled a little bit before replying, "That was so cheesy, but, I loved it, yes Xan I'll take a million chances with you!"

He walked close up to me as he connect out lips together, this time the kiss was slow and soft almost feathery, short and sweet.

Separating our tongues and lips we smiled at our cheesiness, then hugged each other tightly.

"Xander, I like you,"

"Like you too, hope that like could turn into love one day, " he replied.

"And a feeling tells me that that's right around the corner,"

"Now that's something!" Maddy scrcheed as we break part looking like two deers caught in the headlights.

I accidentally fart in the bad boys face(edited)Where stories live. Discover now