Duty number four really??

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Sonica's POV

"There are over 100 elements in the periodic table, but for this class we'll only learn the first twenty," Ms Buckle stated, I looked put the window board as hell, I'm two lessons over the class so I new this lesson already.

I sighed as massage my stiff temple.

"Ms. Abrahams!" I looked up, "Why are you not paying attention?"

"Because you're boring me," I stated.

"Do you even know the first twenty elements in order?" She asked.

"Yes," I nod my head.

"Okay, say them!"

"Say them?"

"Yes, say The first twenty elements of the periodic table in order!"

"Since you insists," I cleared my throat as I started singing, "They are hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, and calcium!"

"Well, ummm correct, but next time pay attention!"

"Yeah, whatever!"


"You showed her!" Maddy smiled as she clinged onto my arms.

"Thanks!" I smiled back.

"Well done nica!" Xan appeared in front of me.

"Hey, what's the other duty?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"Since that we've become friends, I'm gonna go easy on you, " he started off,"I want you to go in the boys bathroom, and make fun of them then run back out!"


"You heard me!"

"I thought you said you were going to take it easy, considering us friends!"

"That is me taking it easy, ohh and do it right after practice, by then the boys bathroom will smell like rotten onions, see you then!"

He jogged off.

Maddy turn to look at me.

"Really!" We both shouted.


"Okay, go!" Xan called out as he shoved me a little.

"Gosh, I'm going I'm going!" I yanked back.

With that, I straightened my clothes as I barged into the bathroom.

"Where's all the sexy boys at?!" I screamed out.

"Over here!" They shouted back as I run into the smelly showers.

They looked at me like I was crazy as I winked and jogged back to the door saying,"Number is 802674884 call me!"

And with that I was out.

"Really, I told you to make fun of them, not tell them your number,"

"Why is it a big of a deal if I give them my num?"

"Because I dont want any body texting you, dreaming of you, looking at you, or even thinking of you, you are mine and I dont share!!"

I stood there dumbfounded.


"Just shut up what do you care any ways!" With that he stomped off cursing silently

God if you only knew how much I wanted you to say that!!

I accidentally fart in the bad boys face(edited)Where stories live. Discover now