Duty Number Three arise

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Quick note, I'm going to start shouting out to people who votes so start looking out, if you want a shout out, please vote and comment!!

Sonica's POV

"So, he like literally just let you go?" Maddy asked over the phone.

I rolled my eyes, forgetting she can't see before answering.


"Ohh my god, this is too good to be true, can I come over, I want to hear the details eye to eye!" She screamed through the speaker 

I took my ears off the speaker as I winced, shaking my head.

"Sorry you can't I got to go to the devils vineyard,"


"Xander christ, you really have a late reaction time,"

"Just shut up Sonica, just spare me the details, at school tomorrow, okay"

"Yeah, yeah, bye!"

"Later love!"

With that the line went dead.

I grumbled a few curse words, before, grabbing my purse.

Here goes nothin'


"Open the door!" I banged louder.

Xander's laugh rattled my insides, as I fume with anger.

"Xander I swear, if you dont open this door any minute now I'm gonna burn your house down with you and your friends in it!" I threaten, anger seething through my words.

"Okay, okay, feisty pants, hello to you too," Dylan open the door with a wide cocky smile.

"Move!" I snapped as I pushed him aside.

He grabbed onto my wrists as  I fought to get out.

"I like you" he muttered.

"And I hate you !"

"Ohhh so cold,"

" i know, like the grave,"

I tried pulling my hands away from his grasp, but failed.

"Let go of me!!" I screamed.

"Why, I thought you liked it rough!" His words brought shudder to my skin as I turned my face away from his.

"Let go of her!" Xander's voice boomed.

"Xan, dont worry, was just having a little fun!"

"Don't touch her!" He boomed again, stalking up to us.

"Why are you reacting like this, she's just a little whore," Dylan's statement was cut short with a fist colliding with his cheek bones.

His grip immediately released my hands quickly as I looked at the now red spot.

Xander turned his face away from a whimpering Dylan then focused his vision on me.

"Are you alright?"

"Umm yeah, I guess" I shook my head trying to forget what happened a few mins a go.

"What happened?" Josh's voice was heard.

The others looked on a whimpering Dylan then back at Xan and I.

"Nothin'" I answered quickly.

"You're a bad lair, nica, dont try," he whispered in my ear, then turned back to his friends, "It turns out that Dylan was really a pervert!"

I accidentally fart in the bad boys face(edited)Where stories live. Discover now