Duty number two cancelled

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Sonica's POV
Next day

"What should I do sir?" I asked as Xander forehead creased, looking evilly at me.

"I want you to sit with me at lunch, and to crush Elly, when she comes near me," he smirked, then added on, "See you then," he then jogged off with his laughing group of friends.

A few mins after his departure, Maddy ran up to me

"Did you hear?" I asked facing her slowing.

"Yep, I heard everything!" She yelled

"Then I guess you hear the part where I have to crush Elly, I mean the Elly Smith," I through of fit.

"Holy shit, what are you gonna do, Elly's gonna crush you so bad!" Maddy screamed in my face.

"You are not helping!" I huffed out of frustration.

"Don't worry, remember you are the master of crushing people, Elly's just a fake bimbo, a whore and a total pain in the ass, you got a lot of things to throw her way!" Maddy stated rubbing her chin, with a creepy smirk written on her face.

"You're right!"

In case you don't know Elly's the school's bimbo.

She's bitchy, witchy...

Ohhh that rhymed!!

Snobby, screechy!!

Ughhh every bad thing you can think of.

She kinda got a thing for Xander.

Stop telling lies that scum is stalking that poor boy!

My mind screeched.

Shut up and let me talk

Any ways as I was saying, she loves the dude, and I guess, that he hates her and wants somebody to get rid of her.

And that somebody is me.

Ughhh, if I could get my claws on that twerp, I'll, I'll, kill him!!!!!

"Sonica, its time to go, the bell had rung 15 mins ago and you just kept standing there gazing into space!" Maddy slapped me, snapping me out of my trance.

"Sorry," I mumbled, lowering my head to the ground.

"Hey look at me"   I did..."You're gonna smash that walking plastic, okay, now let's go!" Maddy smiled knowingly, as I grabbed onto her hands for support.

You can do this Sonica, you can!!

I really hope so!


"Nica, I want you to meet, Dylan, Josh, Felix, Myers, and Tony, my best friends," Xander introduced me as I swallowed the harden lump at The back of my throat.

They looked at me with sweet smiles and raised eyebrows.

Say something you dummy


Go on!!!


Any time soon!

Shut up and let me talk!

"Hi, nice to meet you all dick fac-ummm I mean lovely gentle people," I smiled, twitching.

"Ohhh, I like her, she's feisty," Dylan, the pretty eyed one states.

"Tell me about it I'm on the  edge of breaking her neck," Xander snarled as he sits down frustrated

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"Tell me about it I'm on the  edge of breaking her neck," Xander snarled as he sits down frustrated.

I stand there giving him the stink eyes as I fell a tap on my arm.

I looked down only to find the curly haired sucker, what's his name, Felix, yeah, smiling up at me.

I looked down only to find the curly haired sucker, what's his name, Felix, yeah, smiling up at me

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"You can take a seat beautiful,"

"Don't," was my answer as I plopped down.

"Soo tell us about your self, " tony tried to start conversation.

"Nothing to tell," I hissed, leaning back my chair, as I looked around the crowded cafeteria, girls were literally killing me with their eyes

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"Nothing to tell," I hissed, leaning back my chair, as I looked around the crowded cafeteria, girls were literally killing me with their eyes.

If looks could kill I'll be 10 feet under ground by now.

This is one of the reason why I didn't want to come sit with him.

"Doll face why the frown?" Josh asked with a comforting smile, I knew I could trust this one.

"Doll face why the frown?" Josh asked with a comforting smile, I knew I could trust this one

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(Josh on the left, Myers on the right?)

"Umm kinda mad," I smiled looking at him and him alone.


"Xander's letting me do something I dont wanna do," I blinked my eyes cutely.

Here's my ticket out of hell!!

"Really what is that?" Myers pitched in.

"Excuse me sir I believe I was talking to josh, piss off!" I snapped.

"Ohhh," Dylan laughed out.

"What is he letting you doing doll face?" Josh asked.

"Letting me curse Elly, I don't wanna curse elly!" I whined.

"Okay, don't,  I'll make sure he doesn't let you,"

"Hey josh what are you doing!"

"Shut up Xan, now doll face you can go back to your friend whose looking at you worriedly!"

"Thank you Josh!" I kissed his cheeks,as I got up quickly.

With that I looked at Xander with a smirk before rushing off.

Duty number two, cancelled!

This is like one of the best chapter ever been written so please support the system and vote up to 11-24 and comments 4-10 thank u

I accidentally fart in the bad boys face(edited)Where stories live. Discover now