Duty number five shitty

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Sonica's POV

"So when are you gonna tell him?" Maddy asked as she looked up at me with piecing eyes.

"How about..never!" I answered as I sighed out of frustration, "Listen, its not like im afraid to tell him...which I'm not, its just that I'm afraid he won't like me back!"

"But didn't you say that when he wasn't sober he told you that he liked you?"

"But suppose those were stupid rants?"

"Listen Sonica, when a person is drunk, that's when they tell out their deepest secrets, and in this case, is him liking you, dont wait, because if you do, you might lose him for ever!" She got up, and walked slowly to the bathroom.

And I know that she wasn't wrong.

I have to tell him!

Next day at school

I walked inside the corridors as my eyes roamed the place all over.

Where is Xan?

Giving up quickly, I let go a sigh as I wearily dragged my now heavy feet to my locker.

Once it was open a paper fell out, who put this here?

My head ranged.

Just read it you dimwit!

What did you just call me...you....us?

Just shut up and read it.

I rolled my eyes at my inside battle as I stooped down and scooped up the paper.

Written on it in beautiful cursive writing was:

Duty number five

I dare you to kiss me

What the actual fudge is this???

I dont know why are you asking me!

I wasn't talking to you!

Ohh really, then who were you talking to.


Real classy Sonica, a round of applause goes to you.

I shake my head as I made my way to my first sessions.

What the hell is Xander thinking.

And what is he trying to prove!???

Lunch break

"This is it, this is where all my hard work is going to turn out to be!" Maddy screeched as a widen smiled took over her lips.

"What! You're happy about this!?" I asked immediately stopping looking at her happy features.

"Uhh yeah! I'm super happy, finally my babies are gonna grow up, and give me more Babies!" She squealed again, like for the forth time now.

"Maddy its like your not even listening to me, I should kiss Xander, XANDER the boy who has a girlfriend named ELLY!" I screamed.

Passing students gave me confused glares as a pay little attention to them.

"You don't have to worry about elly, I'm sure he'll dump her ass," Maddy stated again.

"You're unbelievable,"

I started walking again.

She rushed up to me before handing me a breath mint.

"Just to be on the safe side!" She smiled.

"Ughhhhhhh!" I rushed off down the hall.

"Love you too hun!" She shouted before letting a loud girly giggle

Shit Sherlock!!

I accidentally fart in the bad boys face(edited)Where stories live. Discover now