You are under my control

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Sonica's POV

"Are you sure you want to go to school today, you could always stay home and save your self the humiliation!" Mom reasoned, walking casually Inside my room.

"Good to hear that from some one who did humiliate me" I sneered, with sarcasm lacing my words.

"You heard that!!?" She asked stunned, scratching the back of her neck nervously.

"Yeah, and I'll rather be humiliated by the students at school more than my own mother!!" I gaged and walked out of the room.

I quickly grabbed my keys and slammed the front door.

Getting into my car, I let out a deep sigh, as I fidgeted with the keys.

You can do this

You are a worrier

A freaking dead piece of sh-


No negative thoughts.

I'm a peacemaker

I'm going to survive today

I'm gonna freaking die!!

No, no negative thoughts

I'm gonna make it, I'll live, and I'll tell him off.

Throw yourself off a cliff!

Shut up negativity

I'm going to go to school, and I'm going to get through it without the threat of that tramp!!

Now that's more like it!!

After giving my self a pep talk, I pushed the car keys inside the ignition, as it started up.

School here I come!!


"Sonnie, are you OK, I mean you disappeared from school yesterday, what was that all about!?" Maddy asked, walking up to me saying.

"Xander smelled my fart!" I whispered truthfully to her her.

"What!!" She screamed, earning glares and frowns by passing students.

"What, why are you all in my business!" Maddy snapped at them. I rose a brow at her sassiness, as she turned back to me flickering her hair out of her annoyed face.

The students continued doing what they were doing with a frown written on their expressions.

"Now you were saying?"

"I told you, didn't I!" I whispered

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" She apologized, knowing that it was her fault.

"Ughhh, right now, I just want to forget it ever happen, you know, it was embarrassing, still is," I sighed out, as we slowly walked to my locker.

I kept looking over my shoulders, hoping not to see that twerp.

"What are you looking for?" Asked a curious Maddy.

"Not what, who," I corrected her.

"Okay, who are you looking for?"

" Xander, you know the boy whose face I farted in," my voice laced with worry.

"Don't worry Sonnie, I mean did he even see your face?"

"Umm, yes," I nod.

"Okay, you are so screwed !" She wiped the sweat forming on her forehead.

"I hate you," I grumbled motionlessly.

"Love you too, now let's hurry and get to class before we do see that fart catcher,"


With the day almost over, I was glad to see that no one has confronted me, or any rumors going around.

"And seventh hour is officially...5...4....3....2...1...up!" Maddy smiled happily, packing her bag, as the dismissing bell rung with a high pitch

"Again, please stop counting time," I rolled my eyes at her childishness.

"Sorry," she apologised, knowing how much it annoys me.

"At least some one knows the word sorry, " A deep voice stated, cockily.

Maddy and I both stayed glued to our spot, not moving an inch. Soon the class was empty, leaving only Maddy, I and the Fart catcher.

"You know its bad manners to ignore a person who is talking to you!!" He stated again, Maddy and I both knew who it was already.


We finally turn and he smiled at our action.

"My name is....."

"Xander, again, who cares!!" I snapped, trying to ignore the fact that he was talking to me. And that he found me, Shit!!

"I might as well tell you, you are officially under my control, get it!After that, disgusting act you pulled off, I don't think you have a say in this!"

I gulp at the situation, he smirked, Maddy, well Maddy gawked.

Hello again, so for this chapter 7 votes and 3 comments please!

I accidentally fart in the bad boys face(edited)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن