Chapter 4

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[Reader's POV]

So...what now?

It had been at least an hour since we both arrived here at the new apartment, and so far it's been...interesting? Quiet? Suspicious?

Who knows, It's been one of those three.

All he does is eat, sleep and breathe. All in an hour! How does one man do all that?

I look over towards the sleeping man and groan before slapping his thigh. "Hey!" He yelled, sitting up in a quick motion. "Who said you could hit me?"

"Is this all you do?" I ask as I completely ignore his question. Jungkook rolls his eyes and lays his head back onto the couch.

"It is indeed, don't know what else I'd do. Can't leave, so what's the point?" He asked and for once, I agreed with him.

There wasn't much to do in this tiny apartment that barely fit the two of us, there wasn't even enough room to put a coffee table in the middle of the livingroom.

Jungkook cracked his eye open and smirked. "I see you're quiet, anything you'd like to tell me?" He spoke with such cockiness, it made me gag.

I scoff. "Like it's any of your business," I retort as I stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"Get me food?" Jungkook asked.

"You can get up and get it yourself, you have two legs that work perfectly fine." I say.

I could hear him sigh from the living room. "Whatever." He grumbles. I roll my eyes and grab a glass from the top of the shelf.

Before I knew it the glass had slipped from my hands and fell onto the ground, causing me to scream.

Jungkook jumps up from the coach and rushes into the kitchen. "Are you ok?" He asked as he kept his distance from the broken glass.

I look down at my hand to see it bleeding, there isn't much blood and the cut doesn't seem deep enough for anything serious. "Yeah I'm fine, my hand was just cut."

"Go wash it off in the bathroom while I clean this up, don't do anything too it before I get in there." He said walking over to the pantry and grabbing the broom to clean the glass as I scurried off to the bathroom.

I turn the water on and let my hand go underneath it, blood flowing down the drain. Soon enough I hear heavy footsteps make their way down the hallway.

Jungkook opens the door and goes straight into the medicine cabinet and grabbing the first aid. He grabs bunches of toilet paper and brings my hand out from under the sink, patting it down.

I wince. "You don't have to be so harsh." I tell him. He looks up from my hand.

"Do you want the bleeding to stop?" He asked and i looked back down at my hand. "That's what I thought." He sets me hand down on the counter and digs through the kit, mumbling what seems to be the word 'tweezers' 

As soon as he found them he went straight into my hand. And that shit hurt like a mother fucker. "Ow fuck!" I yell as i yank my hand out of his.

"Y/n," He warned as he grabbed back onto my hand only this time tighter. "If I don't get the glass out it's going to hurt even more. Now hold still."

For some reason I had become totally submissive towards him. This was odd.

After digging around in my hand for a bit, which brought tears to my eyes if I was being honest, he finally got the glass out.

Jungkook wraps my hand before sticking a piece of tape around the edge to keep it in place. "There, I'll change it tomorrow." He said putting away the kit.

Without arguing about how I can do it myself I nod my head and begin to leave, unfortunately Jungkook grabbed onto my arm before I could. "I'm sorry if I hurt you by grabbing onto your wrist so tight." He apologized.

"It's fine." I whispered but deep down inside i was screaming that the Jungkook was apologizing for griping too tight when there are plenty of other things he needs to apologize for.

He let go of arm and went back to cleaning up as I went into our bedroom to unpack.

I walk into the bedroom and sigh. The bed's were small and looked uncomfortable. "Look on the bright side Y/n, you don't have to sleep in the same bed as Jungkook." I said sitting down, the bed creeking as I did so.

Instead of unpacking my things I decide to lay down. I bring my hand up and stare at it, my hand being perfectly wrapped and cared for. It shocked me when Jungkook took control of the situation when I was capable of doing it myself.

Let's just hope thing's don't continue that way. When we were in the bathroom it felt like I was useless underneath his touch, I'm the one that's supposed to be in charge, not him.

A sigh leaves my lips as I let my hand fall onto my stomach, my eyes closing.


I crack my eyes open as I feel something being put on top of me. "Close your eyes Y/n, It's just me." Jungkook spoke and I nod my head.

"Thank you." I mumble out. I hear the boy chuckle before shutting the light off.

"You're welcome, brat."



uh hi? Sorry for the lack of updates my life has been crazy this past week, the end of the term and practice. But now we on fall break YEET.

Speaking of practice im also injured and its pretty bad. If yall didn't know, im a competitive swimmer and i do a certain stroke that causes my shoulder to go in a weird direction. Long story short my shoulder is grinding and popping due to it so🤷‍♀️

Im doing things to help it get better and i just didnt have the energy to write but hopefully I'll be able to update again tomorrow :) ily and thanks for sticking

Thanks for reading!

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