"How do you know my name?" I ask in bewilderment.

Then there are sirens.

"Gotta go!" He says and swings away.
But something falls out of the backpack her was carrying.

A small notebook.

I look closer at it and scream.

It was my sketchbook.

"WHAT THE FU-." I yell but can't hear myself because a horn went off.

After a few moments there's a thud behind me and it was Falcon and Captain America.

"LANGUAGE!" Captain America says and points to me.
Then Falcon grabs him and they fly away.

"WHAT THE FU-." I start
But before I could finish Cap yells from afar.

"LANUAGE." He yells

Today is a weird day...

I sat back down and looked at my sketchbook and I opened it.
Thankfully everything is still there, no scribbles or anything.

I flipped to the page with Spider-Man on it and
A piece of paper fell out.

I pick it up and open the paper up.

Hey Y/n,
I think you're really cute and I wanna talk t you more, you might think I'm really creepy for doing this, sorry about that... but if you like too meet me here on the rooftop you're always on and we can talk some more if you want to.

~ Your friendly

I stare at the note and smile to myself,
Spider-Man could hang out with anyone!
But he chose me...

I take my backpack and put the note and my sketchbook inside.
Then I head back to my apartment.

3rd person POV
Peter looked at you from the roof of the building across from your, and his, apartment building. He saw you smile and he smiled too.


Your POV

I was walking to my locker and I opened it to take my books out.

After a few moments the bell rang signaling we had to go to 1st period.
I went to first period and sat down and after the bell rang the teacher immediately started class.
I really didn't listen because I was too busy thinking about how Spider-Man had my sketchbook, I left it at school... and he sounded familiar.

I was now in chemistry and we had a substitute, so we were just given a worksheet and worked on it.

"Hi." Peter says
"Hi." I reply blushing

That's when it hit me.


But I can't confirm it...
I will just have to wait until later after school when I meet him on the rooftop.

Peter Parker/Tom Holland imagines!Where stories live. Discover now