Never would I have imagine myself to be pleading for Declan like this, I never imagined that a fear of mine would be for Declan to leave me and never forgive me or be in my life. A life without Declan was now the scariest thought and my eyes were beginning to get glossy with tears that have yet to be shed.

Declan sighs, looking up at the sky before back down at me and holding my eyes.

"It feels like you don't know how much you mean to me. I fucking loathe myself from time to time because I didn't save myself for you and I feel like I should have. What crushes me though," he pauses, my heart races, "is that I think you don't even want me as your mate sometimes. You don't realize how much I want to hold you, or how much I want to protect you. It's insane how jealous I get when someone else touches you or how lonely I get when you're not around. I just—I want you to be mine."

My heart accelerated, my hand slipping from his arm as I allowed the waterworks to begin. I haven't cried like this since Lyn's funeral and even then, the only reason I cried was because my mom was crying and it brought to life the past that I was intent on escaping and forgetting.

Seeing Declan all broken up like this ripped my heart in half. I never knew a hurt like this could pain me so much but it did and it was crazy how I felt like I was stabbed in the gut.

"D-Declan," my voice cracked, "I am yours."

I could almost distantly feel how his heart leaped within his chest. I took a step closer to him, feeling my arm shake as I lay my palm on his right cheek.

"I'm sorry," I said instantly, sniffling as my tears blurred my vision, "I just—I'm me, kinda trash, I was only thinking of myself. I didn't mean to hurt you like this but I will always, always be yours even if I act like an asshole."

He cups my hand that lay on his cheek, his eyes looking deeply into mine and I shiver at the intensity.

"Share a room with me," he says quietly.

I furrow my brow. What did that have to do with this?

"What?" I question.

"Share a room with me," he repeats, "unless I don't mean much to you..."

"No." I say quickly, "we can share a room."

"Great. Vera already moved your stuff," he smiles, grabbing the hand that was on his cheek and placing a kiss on the back.

"Wait," I was trying to connect the dots before realization dawns on me and my eyes widen as I rip my hand away from him and point an accusing finger at him, "You tricked me!"

"I have no idea what you mean," he smirks innocently.

I glare and swat the back of his head, causing him to hiss and clutch the back of his head with a frown. I raise my hand to hit him again but he runs and I chase him. He wears a smile, chuckling as I run after him while panting because I hate running.

"It was out of love," he yells as runs around a pole and I follow.

"Shut up, you tricked me!" I yell back at him as I chase him around in a circle.

"It was a trick of love," he chuckles.

I was breathless but he looked perfectly fine as he ran away from me as I ran to try and catch him.

"I hate you!" I yell, stopping and breathing heavily as I lay my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath.

He's laughing while continuing to run as if to taunt me. He runs into a pole and falls and I smile to myself.

He was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Ddkddmdk I think this is soooo CUTE. Declan and Kai are goals, anyone who says otherwise can chew on licorice, I hate licorice.

Btw; today's my birthday but I had to update.

Btw; today's my birthday but I had to update

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~xoxo, Babybird.

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