3: Unexpected Three

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The night was cold and Bakugo didn't bring anything to keep him warm. He thought using his quirk would be sufficient. But unfortunately, the rules said that using quirks unnecessarily would be a cause for failure. They weren't allowed cellphones either, so he was forced to do this alone.

'Tss...what a joke.' he said shivering in the cold.

It also didn't help that the hot springs was a 20 minute bus ride and 10 minute walk away from the Geisha Town. Why this little town didn't have things as important to their livelihood such as incense and lotus flower seeds nearby he will never know.

By the time he was 5 minutes away from the hot springs he felt his fingertips go numb. "Fuck this!" he yelled angrily. Beginning to feel even his legs go numb as well. He started making small explosions from his fingertips, but the sweat was almost zero, and he could not produce enough fire to heat up his entire body. 'I'm a fucking idiot.' he thought.

He fell down on one knee, eyes widened with rage and just as he was about to scream again a familiar voice approached him.

"Bakugo-san!" he looked up and saw Yaoyorozu in a yukata.

"Ponytail..." he said collapsing in her arms.

"Bakugo-san!" Yaoyorozu yelled, "You're cold!"

Bakugo didn't remember much after that, except falling into something warm.


Five minutes ago, Todoroki and Ojiro were asked to watch over little kids in the hot springs, Aoyama was tasked to converse with the foreign clients and Yaoyorozu was made to wear a yukata and greet the guests. 

From the distance they heard a faint scream, the wind from the outside seemed rather violent and they couldn't tell whether it was an actual person screaming or just the wind howling.

Todoroki saw from the corner of his eye Yaoyorozu walking towards the entrance greeting a few guests, he heard faintly what they were talking about.

"Oh dear, I think I heard a person screaming..." said a frail old lady to Momo, "But I couldn't exactly see anyone."

Todoroki blinked and found that Yaoyorozu was gone. He turned to Ojiro, "Did you see where Yaoyorozu went?" he asked.

Ojiro was too distracted, "Sorry, I was busy making sure that one kid with the water quirk didn't submerge himself too long."

Todoroki languidly walked to the entrance thinking that Momo would never do anything too drastic. He peered through the window and from afar he could hazily see through the roaring wind Yaoyorozu slowly walking towards the entrance with a very pale Bakugo nestled in her arms. She was yelling at Bakugo to wake up, and possibly yelling for help as well, but the howling wind muted her screams.

Instinctively Todoroki ran towards them, lighting up his left side to protect himself from the cold. He took Bakugo with one arm with the help of Yaoyorozu and hurried him inside.

"We mustn't make a scene!" Todoroki yelled. "I'll carry him from the back and bring him to the room."


As soon as they arrived, Miss Aoi was informed and Bakugo was given permission to stay in their quarters.

"I'll watch over him," Yaoyorozu said as Todoroki tucked him in bed.

Todoroki sighed, "Okay, I will be back very soon."

Yaoyorozu stayed with Bakugo as he lay in the king sized bed, she gathered some warm towels and wiped them over his head as he shivered. She looked at Bakugo and wondered what he was doing in the middle of a snow storm and how lucky he was that she had the instinct to check if there was indeed someone screaming.

"Oh, how reckless you are Bakugo," she sighed as she gently wiped his face with a warm towel.

"Mmm" Bakugo mumbled. "Ponytail..."

Yaoyorozu knew one of the effects of hypothermia would also be some incoherent mumbling, so she paid no heed.

"Dammit ponytail..." he said under his breath. "You're so damn warm..."

Yaoyorozu was surprised to hear Bakugo say such words, but in hindsight, people can say pretty untrue things when they're recovering from such an ordeal. "Get some rest, Bakugo." she said gently placing the warm towel over his forehead, checking his temperature and ultimately leaving the room.

As she closed the door behind her, she saw Todoroki standing just in front of her.

"T-todoroki," she said with his face close to hers, "W-were you there the entire time?"

Todoroki took a step back, "How is he?" he said rubbing the back of his neck with his eyes closed.

"His temperature has rather stabilized," she said softly, "He will be back in geisha town with all the things he needs by tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Todoroki repeated.

"Yes?" Yaoyorozu answered, "Todoroki-san?" she asked quite worried, "Are you alright?"

Todoroki put his hand on his forehead, "Please..." he said finally opening his eyes and looking at Yaoyorozu, taking a few steps forward. Yaoyorozu's eyes widened as he slowly paced toward her.

His eyes narrowed and his breathing became shallow. Todoroki was never the type to be too forward, but watching Yaoyorozu calling for help in the middle of a snowstorm frightened him so much, he saw images of his mother crying for help as his father beat her. Before he knew it, his arms were raised beside her, and gently enveloped her into a slow, steady and warm embrace.

Yaoyorozu stood frozen and confused.

"Please, don't do that again..." he whispered.

"O-okay," she didn't quite understand what was going on, but she felt that Todoroki was indeed worried for all his classmates a lot more than he cared to show, "I'll be more careful." she said

After those words were said, Todoroki stepped back as if he was in a trance the entire time, unaware of what he was doing, "I-I'm sorry..." he said "I should have asked, I didn't mean to encroach your space."

"It's okay..." Yaoyorozu said trying to ease the tension.

It didn't escape from the corner of Todoroki's eyes, that the door behind Yaoyorozu was slightly open ajar, and Bakugo was awake staring intently at both of them, but more at him.

Their eyes fixated at each other immediately, and where Bakugo was once the rude, angry and constantly upset teen, there existed another look that Todoroki never recognized in Bakugo's face.

Yaoyorozu turned to Bakugo when she saw Todoroki acknowledge that he was awake.

"Bakugo-san" she said entering the room. "You shouldn't be seated up."

"Com'ere Ponytail..." he said in a tone that was both upset, weak and rather irritated.

Yaoyorozu approached the bed and sat beside him, talking to him about how he should never walk around half naked in such a cold town.

Bakugo's gaze from Todoroki never wavered.

Todoroki couldn't sleep

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Todoroki couldn't sleep. He was forced to sleep on the floor in the same room as Bakugo and Yaoyorozu.

That night,  a new kind of rivalry was born.

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