"Is this step three or step FIVE?"

Start from the beginning

My vibrating phone breaks through the mental rant, I sigh in content as I recognize the caller, and without any hesitation, I quickly answer. "Hey Emilio."

"Are you home?"

I look around my surroundings then sigh deeply. Since that night, I find that Emilio's quite tolerable, and we do keep in touch with each other from time to time. I haven't asked what's currently happening with him and his girlfriend though, I feel he'll tell me that whenever he's ready. I'm secretly hoping he doesn't since I don't think I'm the best person to come to for relationship advice. 

"Did I call at a bad time?"

I shake my head. "No, it's okay. I'm actually not home at the moment. Why?"

"Oh, 'cause I just finished training, and I was wondering if you're free to hang."

"Actually." I look out the window. "I have a ton of studying to do, I lost my special space at the apartment, my stepbrother's out of town, my father's place isn't an option." I sigh once more. "So, I'm at the Workshop Coffee place close to the apartment."

"Okay, I'll be there in 10."


"You need to study. I have tons of quiet spaces at my place. I'm not leaving you stranded at some coffee shop."

True to his word, the footballer pulled up at my feet ten minutes later. Although we haven't seen each other in roughly two weeks, the conversation flowed freely as he drove us to his home. I haven't thought much about his lifestyle, obviously he's making money based on his profession and the car he drives. But I didn't even imagine for a second that he would live in such a huge house. 

"Don't you get scared?"

He chuckles softly as I follow him to this special space of his. "Balei, I've been living on my own for a while now, I'm pretty used to it."

I look around the well decorated hallways, which sports a few murals of himself. "Don't you get lonely?"

He turns around swiftly, and since I'm not paying attention, I bump into his solid chest. I gasp softly, and it's not because I'm slightly shocked, it's actually because of how my boobs were slightly squished against his abs. Crap Balei, can you be any more awkward?

"Easy there." He steadies me by holding onto my arms. "Wouldn't want you to fall and crack your head open."

Why is my heart racing?

Emilio's own version of a special place turns out to be a workroom of some kind. Different fabrics of a variety of colours are strewn rather haphazardly around the room. When my eyes catch sight of the sewing machine, I immediately began to see the footballer in a different light. 

"You make your own clothes?"

He hums in response. "With the help of my mama and abuela of course." He smiles widely at me. "They come to London once a month."

I nod my head at the new piece of information. "So, you're not at all lonely then?"

I place my backpack on the tabletop then sit on a vacant chair. "Not really, they come over, or I return to Catalonia whenever the League's on break." He looks around the room. "Although, I do feel a bit empty with all of this."

I too look around the room. "I can imagine." I look up at him in time to see him staring back at me. "But at least you have friends, and teammates, that's a good support system in my book."

I pull out my Clinical Oncology textbook from my bag with a heavy sigh. "I guess you're right, I should leave you to it."

I nod my head as I flip the book open. "Thanks again for doing this."

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