I openly welcomed it and responded almost instantly, moving my lips against his softly which caused the butterflies to appear once again in my belly. All too soon the small kiss came to an end but we were both breathing heavily while gazing into each other’s eyes.

‘You’re hair looks like something died in it Love,’ Michael said with an amused smile. My eyes instantly narrowed at him but I couldn’t bring myself to be angry at him.

‘As I said, I’m not a graceful sleeper,’ I said thinking about how much I would have tossed and turned last night, something that has happened since I was only a small kid.

Quickly readjusting my hair and getting Michaels nod of approval I let out another loud yawn and sighed.

‘Come on,’ Michael said as he stood up and held out his hand for me to take. I stubbornly shook my head no.

‘I want to go back to sleep,’ I whined sounding like a two year old.

‘Me to, but I want to sleep in a bed, not come couch that I’m too tall for and a couch that my mate likes to push me off.’

‘Okay then have fun, I said and rolled over facing the back of the couch like how I was previously, not smushed uncomfortably into it. It was silent for a moment so I closed my eyes and relaxed. Truth be told the couch wasn’t uncomfortable. It was actually quite soft which made sleeping on it fell like heaven.

‘You’re not coming?’ he questioned and I could imagine the small scowl on his face.

‘You’re sleeping in your bed though?’ I questioned even though I already knew the answer.


‘I’m taking the couch while I stay here, so I’ll have another nap and wake me up when you get up,’ I dismissed his with a small wave of my hand.

‘You’re not sleeping on the couch. We can both share the bed, it’s a double.’ He scoffed almost outraged at me suggesting I take the couch.

‘Sleep together?’ I questioned not sure on how to feel about it. As I said, I’m not a graceful sleeper and I kick a lot when I sleep. I don’t want to actually injure him, but the thought of sleeping in Michael’s arms sounded really tempting.

‘I can’t sleep by myself when I know you in my house with me, just come to bed Alana.’ He groaned tiredly obviously not in the mood for arguing at such an early hour.

‘Nah I’m all good here,’ I murmured already half asleep once again. I heard him huff and walk away to where I’m assuming his room is and I closed my eyes once more.

Two seconds later, I wasn’t tired anymore and felt cold. My brain was well aware of Michael being in a separate room and my body was craving for his natural heat and comfort so I could sleep. Mentally scolding myself I turned over and faced the direction with the TV and closed my eyes once again willing myself to a sleep that never came.

All I wanted was Michael and a few more hours sleep.

‘Fucking mates, fucking bond, fucking sleep, stupid fucking wolf.’ I heard as Michael mutter as he angrily stormed back into the living room not even 10 minutes later. He made his way stomping over to me with a light blanket and I looked up at him in curiosity. Leaning myself up on my elbow I observed him unfold the light sheet roughly and watched smugly as he plopped himself down on the couch with me.

As he lay down on the squished space while cramming our bodies into the small space, one of his legs were falling off the couches side as he lay on his back. The other one was straight out in front of him and leaning on the armrest which caused it to stick straight up and into the air. Clearly not amused, he gently moved me at a brisk pace so my head was on his chest that was substituting as a pillow and spread the blanket from our waists down.

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