Lucius has a feeling that the tag along was nonnegotiable. "Very well. There is one more thing you should know." Lucius tells her and sets her up so she is facing him.

"I've been doing some research on both our family lines."

Faline looks at him in confusion, "And?"

"Well it seems that since we are both pure line of the first supers that we might be able to have children." Lucius tells her and holds back his amusement at her stunned expression.

"That's not possible."

"When the moon goddess created the first vampire, it was male. Then she created the first werewolf, it was female. There were no other supers and they found that they were mates. The female had children, many in fact. All the female children were wolves and all the male children were vampires.

"Among their children there were mates. Some paired up with their siblings others found mates with humans.

"The ones that had sibling mates eventually had both male and female wolves and vampires, hence the lines remained pure. The ones outside of the pure lines sometimes mated with the pure lines until only one pure line of wolf and one of vampire remained.

"If the pure line mated with a wolf or vampire outside of the pure line, and a different species no child resulted. The same with a wolf/vampire pairing where both are impure lines. But all vampire/wolf matings with the pure line would in fact have children."

"We won't be the last of the pure bloods then?" Faline asks excitement glowing on her face.

Lucius shrugs, "If we are able to have children then we won't be the last, but our children might, unless they too are mated. There is no surety that our lines will continue."

"But there is the possibility right?" Faline says tears starting to fall.

"What is it, Faline?" Lucius is sure that there is more to her question then he understands.

"I've been getting sick, Lucius. Usually while you are at work. I didn't want to say anything to you because I didn't want to worry you. Wolves don't get sick easily, it has to be something deadly, or for females, if she's pregnant.

"I was worried, since I didn't think I could get pregnant."

"You thought you might be seriously ill?" Lucius tenses up. "I don't have a lot of healing ability other than my blood, but let me check."

Faline sits on his lap and he sets his hand on her abdomen. He feels the tiny life force in her.

Lucius has a hard time holding back his tears and his smile, "Love, you're pregnant." With those words tears leak from his eyes.

"You know it's yours right?" Faline wants his reassurance on that.

"Of course. You would never cheat on me. If either of us were to cheat, it would be me and I couldn't do that to you. I've caused you too much pain already."

"We're going to be parents. Oh, my hell, how-" Faline's happiness turns to horror as she realizes that she doesn't have a clue on how to become a mother. Lucius kisses her to stop her words.

"We'll figure it out together. No need to worry. But with this I think we better have the wedding sooner rather than later." Faline nods still shaken by the information given that night.

"Lucius, both Quinlin and Sharee are the last of their bloodline. There is no hope for them for children?"

"Perhaps, with the help of a witch they might have children. We'll have to talk to Tina. She might not be strong enough."

Faline looks at Lucius confused. He explains, "Vampires have high resistance to spells. Tina specializes in protection/defense spells, that was why she was able to do such spells in our protection. That witch that enspelled me specialized in sex spells/seduction. She should have stuck with love potions.

"Tina might not have the strength in love spells or life spells to allow them to get pregnant and if she can it will be very expensive."

"So they might not be able to afford it?"

"If they want it and Tina can perform it, I'll pay for the spell as a gift for their wedding."

Indeed once the council okayed their pairing Quinlin asked Sharee to marry him. They are still staying with Lucius and Faline because they won't be accepted by any other pack and Sharee is still nervous to be without protection. Although she has taken control of her father's holdings. 

She had great joy in telling her mother that she was now on a spending limit. She did allow her mother to stay in the house though and will continue to allow her that and pay for it's upkeep as long as her mother behaves herself.

Her mother was less than pleased, but when she found out the alternative she swallowed her angry words and acquiesced. She was a bit more mollified when she found out that she was now free to pursue her own life.

"I think Sharee's mother found her mate," Faline says suddenly in the silence that had fallen.

Lucius is amused, "What makes you think that?"

"I saw her the other day and she had a happy look on her face, like she was dreaming or reliving a happy memory. I've only seen that look on the faces of mates."

Lucius laughs out loud with that one. "Well, I'm sure that Sharee will be happy about that." They both chuckle at the thought of Lady Nastergal finding love. She is one of the biggest vampire bitches there is.

"We can only hope it is true." Faline says and snuggles up to Lucius.


So ends the story of Lucius and Faline. I will only do an epilogue if I have enough people request it. I hope you enjoyed the story. I've never written a story about werewolves before, although I am currently writing another one. Hopefully I'll be able to finish that one as well.

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