4. Hatred

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The room I had was much more smaller compared to back at home. It felt nice to have no extra space, somehow it would usually make me feel more lonely. 

Loneliness is what I had accustomed to, especially since I was forced to never go out in public with my actual friends.  

The whole room is surrounded by windows, the ceiling high up with light grey curtains falling down to the ground. In the middle is my king sized bed with dark grey sheets, with a bedroom bench placed in front of it.

The theme color was obviously grey, and I wondered how extravagant a guest bedroom could be.

I laid my back on the bed, missing Mom terribly.  We both were always attached at the hip, I've never went a day without her. I guess you could say I'm a huge Mama's girl. She displayed perfection in front a crowd, but once we were back locked away in our home she would break down and cry. We both felt like we had no one at times and depended on each other for company.

Father really proved his love for me when he decided that one argument was all it took to send me away. I didn't understand how he could be so soft with Mom still while cheating countless of times. I wouldn't even be surprised if he had a secret family.

A knock drifted me away from my thoughts, I looked over to the door that was now open. Silas stood there with a nervous smile. "So how do you like the room? I tried my best to make it look decent for you." 

I pushed myself up and grinned, "I love it, it's so beautiful. Thank you. Plus how did it even take you half a day to do it?"

"What are you talking about?"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I knew that if he would answer my next question and give me the answer that I couldn't bear to hear, my hatred towards Father would increase. "Was this planned?"

"You moving in with me yes?"

"When did Dad even mention this to you?"

"A couple months ago. I'm sorry." Silas gave me a look of a pity, seeing a broken girl with daddy issues. 

"O-oh, yeah it's cool. I'm fine don't worry about it." I assured Silas with a forced smile that couldn't meet my eyes. I didn't know if Silas knew that I was faking it or just didn't want to push me, but he accepted my response.

"Well I just want you to know that you don't have to feel alone. I'm always here if you need someone to talk to, i'll just be in my office."

I nodded in gratitude, sliding off of the bed and strolled towards Silas, where I gave him an appreciation hug. 

In an instant, he wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you so much." 

"No problem, you're still my favorite you know." Silas said to lighten the mood. He managed to make me crack a smile, "I know, my spot can never be replaced."

I pulled away and gave myself a little distance from him, disappointed in myself that I got slightly turned on by the feeling of his warm hands against my skin. I told myself that he is Dad's best friend, and that I need someone my age. 

"If you need me i'll be cooking in the kitchen, your favorite dish by the way."

"Which is?"

"It's still chicken fettuccine alfredo right?"

"Correct. Now please hurry along and cook it for me because i'm starving."

"Someone finally managed to learn how to say please-"

"Silas you're not funny-"

Silas placed his forefinger on his lips and made a shh noise, "Whatever. I'll go cook now, demanding princess." 

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