'Sharee?' Faline needs to know if she has permission to kill the girls father.

'Yes, if you don't Lucius will. You will be far more lenient than he will.'

With those words Faline rips off Nastergal's head.

Lucius stops toying with Darin and does the same. They both stand there waiting for the council to react. There is a good chance that they will have to kill all council members to get out of there.

The other three silently prepare to fight.

"Where did you get these papers, Lord Lucius?" Finally one of the council heads speaks.

"Lady Sharee brought them to me when she came to me for sanctuary. She didn't want to marry Lord Darin, she wanted to be with her mate, the wolf that's by her side."

The council member sits up far more interested now, "And just who is the wolf that could capture a daughter of a council member?"

"My ex mate Quinlin Masters, son of the beta of the pack that helped teach me." Faline says hiding her smirk at the council's dismay. He wasn't even ranked although his father was highly ranked. But what caused the most commotion was the fact that he was Faline's ex mate.

"Why did you go to Lucius, Lady Sharee?" Another council member asks.

"My father wanted me to marry that pig traitor. There was no way he'd let me be with my chosen mate."

This definitely grabs the attention of them all. "What do you mean chosen mate? He isn't your natural mate?"

Lady Sharee has a decided mischievous smile when she replies, "No, Lord Lucius was my natural mate and he rejected me for Lady Faline. I ran into Quinlin at the party that was held in their honor. There we talked and afterwards continued to meet.

"Knowing that it was highly unlikely to find favor with the wolves and knowing there was no way in hell my father would permit it, we went to Lord Lucius for protection. He helped us gain the approval of the wolf council."

"And do you not wish the approval of this council as well?" The council head asks finding this story more twisted and enjoyable than any he's heard in some time.

"Yes, it would make life much easier, but until today I knew there was no chance."

"And now?"

"Well, Lord Davison, that will depend on you and the others."

"Hmm, well you are partially correct. With your father's sudden demise you are now on the council. Lord Lucius the most corrupt of the council members are now dead and with evidence against them Lord Darin's title is revoked. I give Lord Nastergal's title to Lady Sharee and ask her to take her seat. Will you also now take yours?"

"Are you that ready to give up your power uncle?"

"This was never my seat, Lucius. This place belonged to your father. Thank you for clearing his name and dealing with the traitors." Lucius nods his head in acknowledgement.

"I would ask that you appoint Lord Darin's nephew in that vacancy and you take your rightful spot uncle." Lucius says smiling. He turns to Faline and gives her a kiss.

"So it is ordered. The council will look over the papers of evidence and deal with those still at large. Lady Sharee, you are hereby granted all rights to your title, including the lands and possessions that were your father's. Deal with your mother how you will.

"Lord Lucius will now take the head of the council as is his birthright." With that both Sharee and Lucius ascend to the front of the room and to the stage that was set up for the council.

Lucius and Sharee take their places and then Lucius ends the meeting telling everyone to meet outside in the courtyard for the bonfire.

Faline looks at him with happiness. Lucius finally looks at peace.

Lucius catches her eyes and gives her a lovely smile. He goes down and escorts her to the bonfire.

As Tina lights the bodies on fire, Lucius gets down on one knee, "I know that I've messed up. I'm an old ornery vampire and you deserve far better than me. I know that we are true mates and all the supers will know as well, but I want the humans to know that I love you and that you are more than just a girlfriend.

"Faline Wolfgang, will you marry me?" Lucius says holding out the small box he's been carrying with him for over a month now.

Faline puts her hands up over her face in shock then jumps into his arms. "Yes!"

Lucius peels her off him just long enough to place the ring on her finger.

"Now that I've answered you question Lucius, will you answer mine?"

"Yes," Lucius says cautiously. Faline has never been hesitant to ask him questions before.

"Just how old are you?"

Lucius smiles, "I was just over a hundred years old when my parents were killed. That was almost a century ago. My two hundredth birthday will be next week."

"My I'm marrying an old man." Faline teases him with a wicked glint in her eye.

"Yes, but you love me anyway." Lucius says pulling her close to him once more.

'Of course I do.'

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