Happy Coming Out Day

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Mia: I know what you're thinking.

"I wanted a chapter."

"What happened to the chapters?"

"This is not a chapter."

I know. I'm sorry. I'm working on it. It's difficult to watch and write at the same time. But I'm doing it so yea.

But this is about something really important to me so yea. I wanted to say Happy Coming Out Day. And if your wondering why this is important  to me well... I came out to my close family as bisexual on Thanksgiving and they all accepted me.

All except my dad. But he's trying to accept the fact that I am bi. But for now he can't. He's also leaving the country not only because I'm bi but because of work related stuff. I think that's a good idea.

But other than my family, all my friends accepted me and I'm happy.

So basically this chapter is a chapter to say that I'm bisexual. Yayy! I'm happy that I came out because I feel so much better.

Also I can't thank you all for the nice things you said on my face reveal. All you guys are nice, amazing and really beautiful people. So thank you very much.

Oh and I can't forget. I deleted a couple of A.N'S in this book and now the readers went down to 19.5k but we know it went to 20k.

So that's all. Love you. Baiii. Wait no.

- Mia Out

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