Season 5

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If you never watched season 5 this will ruin it for you.

Okay, so season 5 was fricking amazing. Like everything for episode 1 to episode 6.

Like Keith's mom who looks so much like Keith. Beautiful and amazing. It also showed Zarkon finally destroyed by his own son none other. Lotor being the new emperor. He and Allura found this secret place called Oriande where they found the White Lion. Most of the season was about Allura and Lotor. Pidge and Matt found their dad. Haggar is planning something and she also learned that Lotor is her son and Zarkon is her husband. Also for season 5, Lance got character development and it has proved clone, Shiro. Clone Shiro needs to be found out. Also the bromance between Pidge, Lance, and Hunk. Even though one of them is a girl. And Yea that's most of the season.

I can't wait for season 6 coming June 15.

Kay so that's all I wanted to say. Baiii my readers.

-Munchkin Out

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