Chapter 6: In Hot Water

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It was raining, it was dark, it was frightening. Sabrina was sitting on the stairs to the school. Duusu saw her expression and could not help but feel sympathy for her.

"Sabrina?" Duusu asked. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing Duusu" Sabrina answered. "I just feel...incomplete"

"I understand" Duusu leaked some magical tears. "I feel scared, Sabrina"

"Why?" Sabrina inquired.

"That something might happen to YOU" Duusu choked on her own tears.

Sabrina held her kwami close and kept her there. Sabrina promised Duusu that she would never leave her, nor let anything happen to her and herself. The past few days had been harder than she thought. Keeping secrets was not easy.

"Duusu..." Sabrina started. "Listen..."

"It's alright Sabrina" Duusu interrupted. "You are the only miraculous holder that I've felt a connection I think you deserve this"

Duusu then took a deep breath and spat in Sabrina's hand. Sabrina was shocked and a little bit disgusted.

"Wait for it" Duusu said. The saliva then cleared and small symbol/necklace appeared. A little blue needle of some kind that refered to a part of the yin/yang symbol.

"Wow, what is it?" Sabrina asked. Duusu smiled.

"A kwagatami" Duusu answered. "A symbol of friendship from us kwamis, passed down from each miraculous holder"

"Thank you, Duusu" Sabrina smiled. "It beautiful"

"You're the only one I've given it to" Duusu stated.

"Really?" Sabrina asked, putting the kwagatami on.

"Yes, the other holders were so mean to me, treated me like their slave" Duusu cried at the memories. Sabrina held Duusu in her hands and caressed her head. Duusu stopped leaking her tears and laid down in Sabrina's hand.

"Well, I treat you as my friend, and it is going to stay that way" Sabrina explained.

"You really mean it?" Duusu cried.

"Of course I do, it's like I said yesterday" Sabrina agreed. Duusu was more than happy to finally have someone treating her nicely. Though, behind the corner of the building, Marinette and Adrien saw the whole conversation.

"Why can't you be more like that, Plagg?" Adrien asked.

"Hey, I'm my own kwami, you can't wish for me to be nice every once in a while" Plagg answered.

"Guys, shhh!" Tikki ordered.

Sabrina hid Duusu and set off somewhere else. Duusu then started feeling uneasy.

"Sabrina..." Dussu called. "I...I don't feel...too good"

"Duusu?" Sabrina picked Duusu up and saw that she was shaking.

"Sabrina...just..." Dussu fell out of consciousness.

"Oh no...Duusu" Sabrina whispered. "Don't worry"

Sabrina ran off to her house. Once she entered her bedroom, she left Duusu on her drawer stand near her bed and placed a little blanket over her.

"Please be okay, Duusu" Sabrina pleaded. Duusu was still breathing, which was a good sign. Sabrina stroked Duusu a little bit, hoping that would help, but Duusu didn't wake up. "Please"

Sabrina then tried to go to sleep. She felt way too uneasy to sleep, she could not leave Duusu in the condition that her kwami was in. She went to sleep after a few minutes though.

The next morning, Sabrina woke up and found that Dussu was gone.

"Duusu?" Sabrina asked. "Duusu!"

Sabrina got out of bed and ran outside, realising that she had slept in her clothes. She then felt and slight tingly feeling go through her.

"What's happening?" Sabrina asked herself. She then felt as if she knew where Duusu was. The miraculous then lit up and showed a glittery trail, that had to be the trail where Duusu is. Sabrina followed the trail that her miraculous was telling her to go. Luckily, she was the only one who could see it. She followed the trail, until it stopped at the mansion where Adrien lived. Sabrina then reluctantly called the camera at the gate.

'Hang in there, Duusu...I'm coming' Sabrina thought. The camera then came out and a voice spoke.

"Who are you?" That had to be Gabriel Agreste, Adrien's father.

"I'm Sabrina Raincomprix, Chloe's friend, who is Adrien's childhood friend" Sabrina explained. "Adrien forgot something that I lent to him, he's currently at school and what he forgot to bring back is in your house"

Sabrina made up an excuse to try and find Duusu. It was silent for a minute...until...

"Come in" Gabriel ordered.

The gates opened and Sabrina walked inside, slowly. She then heard Gabriel.

"Come here, Miss Raincomprix"

Sabrina obliged and entered Gabriel's workplace. He turned to look at her. He then drew a secret smirk.

"Is this what you 'forgot'?" Gabriel held out his hand.

Sabrina gasped. It was Duusu in Gabriel's clutches.

"Sabrina!" Duusu shouted.

"Duusu?!" Sabrina replied.

What a coincidence! Gabriel Agreste knows that Sabrina is Le Paon too! Stay in touch for the next chapter and please leave a review. If I'm lucky, I could get some fan art! Farewell for now.

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