Chapter 3: New Fame and Closer Bond

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It was morning, Sabrina woke up from her bed, her hair a little bit messy and frizzy. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, Dussu woke up right beside her.

"Good morning, Sabrina" Dussu said.

"Morning, Dussu" Sabrina smiled. "Do you need any grapes?"

"No, I'm fuelled for the next battle" Dussu answered. "What about school?"

"Oh, right" Sabrina checked the time. It was 6:20 "We're pretty early, but that's better"

"Do you always get up at that time?" Dussu asked.

Sabrina giggled "No, I usually get up a bit later"

"You should get ready for school" Dussu suggested.

"Better now than ever" Sabrina got out of her pyjamas and put her regular turquoise and blue clothes on. "I'm ready"

"Where should I hide?" Dussu asked.

"Hide in my bag" Sabrina ordered.

Dussu snuck in Sabrina's bag and they were both off to school. Sabrina met up with Chloe.

"What took you so long?" Chloe asked.

"I just didn't get much sleep last night, Chloe" Sabrina half-lied.

"Then get a schedule" Chloe sighed. Dussu was feeling so much anger in her at this point.

"Calm down, Dussu" Sabrina whispered.

"What was that?" Chloe asked.

"Nothing, just talking to myself, nervous habit" Sabrina whimpered.

Chloe huffed and walked into school. Dussu popped her head out of Sabrina's bag.

"Do you put up with her orders all the time?" Dussu asked.

"I do her homework and everything, that's how we became best friends" Sabrina explained.

"You're kidding me, right?" Dussu crossed her little arms. "Still, there's one thing that she will never be, what you are"

"What's that?" Sabrina asked.

"A hero" Dussu answered.

"Aww, Dussu" Sabrina hugged her kwami. "Let's hurry before we're late for class"

In class, Marinette and Adrien were absent from the lesson. With Marinette, it was common, but Adrien? That was not like him. Chloe was confused, as well as the whole class. Sabrina did not know either. They then came rushing into the lesson.

"Ah, Marinette" Miss Bustier crossed her arms. "Late as always"

"I had to help my family deliver some herbs and spices for the baking" Marinette stuttered.

"And my limo needed some maintenance, so I was delayed" Adrien said.

"Right, today we are learning more English and Literature" Miss Bustier explained. "Open your books to Chapter 10, we will now learn the explicit parts of how a sentence is structured"

"This should be interesting" Sabrina smiled.

"As if" Chloe scoffed. "If that long haired boy in the glasses was here, I would've made him replace me"

"You mean, Elliott, the kid who-"

"Don't bring that up again, Sabrina!" Chloe shouted.

"Chloe, is there something you want to say?" Miss Bustier asked, with a tone of anger in her voice.

"No, Miss" Chloe glared at Sabrina.

Dussu peaked a little and turned angry. Sabrina did not want her to shout. She secretly shushed her.

Time passed, it was break and Sabrina was sitting by herself on the bench.

Adrien then walked over to Marinette.

"Hey M'Lady" Adrien smirked.

"Hi Kitty" Marinette smiled.

"Maybe giving Sabrina a miraculous WAS a good idea after all" Adrien nudged Marinette.

"Yeah, I know it was a weird choice, but Sabrina is just a part in Chloe's schemes, I knew there was good in her" Marinette explained.

Tikki and Plagg then popped out from their hiding places.

"Since when would Chloe get a miraculous" Tikki laughed.

"She's too bossy, sometimes I think that she's more worse than Hawk Moth" Plagg snickered.

Alya than walked over.

"Hide guys!" Adrien and Marinette ordered in unison. The kwamis hid.

"Hey, girl" Alya greeted.

"Hey Alya" Marinette replied.

"Have you seen that Sabrina's acting a bit different today" Alya noted. "She's not around Chloe that much anymore"

"Yeah, it is quite strange" Marinette lied.

"I wonder what's making her do that" Adrien played along.

"And get this, when I was in the akuma attack yesterday, a new hero showed up!" Alya squealed. "She is so awesome"

"Is she now?" Marinette asked. "Well...did you get her name, or glimpse of what she looked like?"

"She was covered in mostly dark blue, she had these feathers that"

"Well other than that, see ya later, girl" Alya winked and walked away.

After school was finished, Sabrina transformed into Le Paon and thought of doing a little recon...and sightseeing. The sun was setting and she decided to sit down at a random balcony. A few citizens then saw her and were gasping.

"She's the new hero from that recent LadyBlog video!" A citizen squealed. Le Paon waved at the citizens, whilst nervously smirking.

"What's your name, new hero of Paris?!" Another citizen asked.

"Does anyone have a microphone?" Le Paon asked.

"Here, lucky for you, I bought this electric one" Another citizen said as he threw his microphone at Le Paon, who caught it. She tapped the microphone, to see if it was on, and spoke.

"Citizens of Paris...I am Le Paon, the peacock super heroine" Le Paon stuttered. "I promise to keep you safe, with my power of offence, and also with Ladybug and Chat Noir by my side"

Le Paon closed her eyes for a reaction. Everyone cheered for her, and some chanted her name. Le Paon drew a sigh of relief and waved at the people of Paris. The camera crew from the news station were videoing her. Most people in their homes, including Marinette and Adrien, Who were watching it. They were impressed by her work.

"Good going, Sabrina" Marinette spoke. Tikki cheered.

"She managed to gain mostly everyone's trust" Adrien smiled.

"Big deal, though she can help us out" Plagg ate a piece of Camembert.

Le Paon gilded across the streets of Paris with her dress and some were even astonished by it.

Jagged Stone, the famous rock star, was watching the news and saw her glide. He smiled and said, "Now there is a superhero that can fly, of course there was Dragontooth"

Le Paon laughed as she glided across the streets of Paris, sometimes she waved at the people below. Things were finally starting to look up to her as a super heroine.

"Thank you, Ladybug" Le Paon then glided back home and de-transformed. Dussu smiled at her.

"You did good today, peacock" Dussu smiled. Sabrina pulled her kwami into a hug and thanked Dussu. Dussu returned the hug. "You did good"

"Let's go back inside, I'll let you have a huge grape bowl" Sabrina smiled.

Dussu drew a magical stream of tears.

"Thank you Sabrina!" Dussu giggled.

What do you all think? Was it exhilarating or emotional? I'll let you decide, thanks for reading this chapter. Farewell, until the next chapter ;)

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