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Jungkook was nervously standing outside jimin apartment, carefully trying to unlock the door so that he won't startle the boy, Jimin was asleep and he was sure because he called and the boy didn't answer him, he closed the door after he successfully got inside without making a sound.

Tip-toeing to the sleeping boy room as careful as he could be, he took his jacket and shirt off along with his shoes, he moved the cover away from the left side and climbed next to jimin who was sleeping with only a oversized hoodie, and his short boxers.

A smile took over jungkook face when he saw jimin cheek pressed on one side leading his lips to form into a cute pout, his hair was falling straight on his eyes but still looked cute, he tried sneaking his arm around jimin waist but failed when the boy started to move.

He stayed still waiting for him to stay still before he move him but failed when the boy opened his eyes confusedly to be startled by jungkook presence, " ugh.. kookie " the boy frowned as he held jungkook arms tightly.

The boy laughed as he pulled jimin closer to his body, " sorry, just.. need your cuddles? " he said in a cute questionable tone that made the shorter stare for few seconds before sighing, " fought again? It was supposed to be your anniversary kookie " jimin mumbled tiredly as he caressed jungkook hair.

" I know.. but she didn't like it, she thought it was a waste of time and money, I should have just took her on a normal date.. " he said as jimin shook his head, " it was beautiful kookie, she just like to show off.. that why.. " his voice got quieter as he realized what he just said.

Jungkook knew jimin was scared because he talked bad about his girlfriend but he wasn't even mad at him, he knows jimin always says what ever in his heart, he have known him for years now, yet the boy fail to realize that he is different than the others.

" let's stop talking about her.. cuddle me? " he pouted leading the shorter to giggle, " ok muscular bunny " jimin ruffled the boy hair before pushing himself up so that he could cuddle the boy better, jungkook wrapped his arms around the boy waist and buried his head on the crook of jimin neck.

Breathing slowly as his hot breath sent a weird, warm sensation down jimin spine, he loved the boy.. but he couldn't confess, he was so scared to lose his best friend that he rather choose to feel pain than ignorance from the boy, even though jungkook didn't mean to harm him.

Jimin closed his eyes as he held the boy tighter, the two of them lost in their own thoughts as they slowly drifted to dream land where jimin dreams to be jungkook's lover, and jungkook wishing to have someone like jimin to be his, similar needs.. yet different actions.

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•The Truth Untold || JikookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz