Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

One Week Later.

Melanie's POV:

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOUIS!" We all shouted. The guys were still at my parents' house. My family is growing more on Harry, which is the good thing. There have been no signs of Jason, thank God, but now Harry knows about him. My dad loaded up all his guns and installed a better security system to the house when I told him about seeing Jason in the mall. I have the best Dad ever! El and Dani were coming here today for Louis birthday. After they arrive, which is any minute we are going out to a club.

*Ding Dong*

"I'll get it!" I yelled knowing that it was the girls. I ran to the door and sure enough there was Eleanor and Danielle on the other side of the door. I let them in and led them to the parlor where the guys are. "Louis, I have your birthday present. Oh and Liam I have an early Christmas present for you." I said. Both of the boys had confused looks on there faces. Eleanor and Danielle walked into room behind me. Louis screamed, but Liam was silent. There was huge smiles on their faces as they ran to both of their girlfriends.

"Louis....can't.....breathe," El said to Louis while he had her in a bone crushing huge. Liam and Danielle were making out on the love seat. Danielle and Eleanor were staying in my room with me while they were staying. "Girls, why don't you get ready for tonight," Liam said as he stopped his make out session. I led Dani and El up to my room, there jaws dropped when they saw it.

Eleanor changed into a strapless blue and white striped dress, that went to mid thigh. Her hair was down and she wore blue pumps. Danielle was in a mini black skirt, a black lace top, and black high boots. She left her hair curly, but put it in a high ponytail. I put on a violet colored dress that went mid thigh. It was a one shoulder with a crystal clip at the top of the strap. I had on black wedges Harry bought me a month ago while he was in Italy. My hair was in a side pony tail with it's usual waviness.

We left the house and went out for a bit. Of course Liam was our designated driver, since he doesn't like to drink. When we arrived at a club, all of us got out and entered the club. My parents had told Niall and Zayn not to bring home a strange girl. Zayn and Niall got drunk and were making out with some girls, but thank God the paps don't know where we are. Louis and El were dancing and drinking. Liam was watching Danielle drink, but he didn't want her to drink a lot, so he started to dance with her. Harry and I were in the back drinking.

"Babe, do you wanna dance?" Harry asked, I nodded my head and we went to the dance floor. As we were dancing, Harry, Louis, and Liam were leaving to get something to eat. El, Dani, and I were still dancing to our hearts content. El was doing the stop the traffic and let the people through, Dani was doing the pat the dog while screwing the light bulb, and I was simply moving my hips. I felt this body press up to me, but it didn't fell like Harry. I quickly turned around to be face to face with Jason. I tried to scream, but he put his hand over my mouth.

"Now settle down, Mels. I won't hurt you, yet." He told me, oh yeah like that's what I wanted to hear. Dani and El saw me and rushed over to the guys. Niall and Zayn were leaving the club and getting into the car. I saw Harry look up and run to where I was. Louis and Liam took El and Dani outside to the car while Harry came to get me.

When Harry came to my rescue, he punched Jason in the face and threw me over his shoulder, then we left the club. Jason came running out as Harry put me into the car and yelled, "I know where you live Melanie! Don't forget that!" Liam drove us to a liquor store and bought us some beer. Louis was already drunk, same with Eleanor. Danielle was sober, along with Liam, but Niall and Zayn were the ones passed out in the car. Both Harry and I got drunk even though I was already some what drunk, he just kept on drinking.

Sooner or later we arrived home, but my parents were asleep. Liam turned the security system back on after we got through the gate. Louis and Eleanor slept in the same bed, but more went on beside sleeping. Liam and Danielle slept in another room so they didn't see that. Niall and Zayn were carried into the parlor and slept on the couches. Harry led me to my room, which I knew he would. We started kissing passionately. I knew where this was headed and I also remembered we are doing it in my parents' house. SHIT!

"Harry stop," I whispered in his ear. He just kept kissing my neck, but if my dad came in he would be a dead man. I pushed Harry off of me and he faintly said, "I'm sorry, I forgot." I felt bad because I loved him so much, but it's in my parents' house. I turned and looked at him. He was laying there on his back looking at the ceiling. I leaned in and started to kiss his neck, he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. We fell asleep entwined together.

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