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"N-no" I stuttered

"Prove it"

"How do I prove not being gay" I looked in confusion. "By watching this" he threw a USB at me and told me to plug it into the tv

"Wait are your parents out?" Yoongi questioned making me wonder what where about to watch. "Yeah of course babe they're back at work" I smirked

"Good I'll be back in 5" he pressed the remote and left



I scream as I'm now watching a heated bdms session between a grown man and woman. It was disgusting not only that but I regret what I said about having a daddy kink due to the girl screaming it ever ten seconds

I threw a pillow at the tv and ran downstairs to meet a yoongi that's sipping apple juice in a wine class smirking at me

"Hot right?"

"No it was disgusting she was so dirty mouthed it made me gag" yoongis eyes traced down to my pelvic area

"Sure your not gay baby boy" I smirked

"Ha no boner your really gay aren't you whore" he said putting down his glass and smiling like an idiot. I storm off to my room when all I can hear is moaning. I turned the tv off and put the USB in the trash. Gay me? Surly not.

"Oft you left me without answering mean" he said laughing

"Yoongi let me kiss you"

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