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The question rang through my head. Over and over trying to comprehend what he just asked. How did he know? Why did he know?

"Of course I have idiot" my voice cracked at the last bit. He stopped searching through his bag and turned around to face me with a smirk while shaking his head. "Who then? Come one tall you're babe?"

I gulped

"I- yoongi this is weird you already know I lost my virginity ages ago! Plus- I-", truth is I was lost for words

"Is that why you flirt with everyone? To cover it up" he said lifting a brow. "Shut up! I'm not a virgin okay" I spat earning a smirk from yoongi . "Where the flirty jimin gone from earlier"

I had had it. Yoongi has been my friend for so long, of course he could tell but I'm ashamed to say it everyone in my friendship group has lost there virginity to hot cheerleader girls at school yes even tae and jungkook the two big gays of the group. Then there's me that is struggling to even talk to a girl without only just flirting with them plus if I came out as a virgin everyone would think I'm a massive lier.

"Y-yoongi" I looked down feeling tears to threat leaving my eyes.

I Hurd a massive sigh as a very annoyed yoongi joined me one the bed. "Why lie" he said looming straight at me

"Because Yoongi! You've all lost your v's and had absolutely outstanding looking girls as your girlfriends, when you guys used to come home with a massive smirk plastered on urs faces I felt left out. So I lied"

He sighed loudly

"Have you even kissed anyone"

I shook my head in disappointment. I wish I could feel someone's soft lips against mine.

"I can't believe this, all the flirting with teachers and students?" Yoongi laughed flopping down on the bed

A tear left my eye. Although now yoongi knows my darkest secret I feel like a massive weight has been taken off my shoulders.

"So never kissed anyone hey?"

I shook my head not wanting to answer that question with words

"Why don't I teach u?"

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