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"Nope I'm not playing, it's gonna end with us all having a gang bang" Jin said abruptly making everyone burst out in utter laughter and tears

"Oh come on what else is there better to do" jungkook said with a grin

"A lot of things" tae said staring at the tv not moving his head or eyes. We all knew that was meant to hurt kook, tae has been so awkward with us all since there heated make out session that I would personally love to see again.

"Oh come tae you might end up kissing me!" I said flirtatiously making everyone's eyes roll to the back of there heads

"It's settled then" namjoon said in a huff

"Nope sorry I'm going to bed" yoongi finally spoke getting up and not looking away from his phone

"That must be some pretty good porn" hope mumbles making us giggle

"No you're not I want this to end with you confessing your love for me Park yoongi" I said tackling him on to the couch but to my disappointment everyone fake vomited including the depressed tae.

I pouted

"Say that again and I'll cut your tongue out whore" yoongi said making that face where he scrunches up his nose.


"Okay jungkook truth or dare"  I smirked and winked while looking tae straight in the eyes as he made a gesture to cut my throat

"Obviously truth I'm not ready to bang someone" he laughed

"If you had to date one person in this whole room who would it be and why" I said clicking my tongue


Oft what did he just say. I look at yoongi to see his reaction but all he has was a smug smirk at his phone obviously happy with looks answers. Next I look to tae that was now back to the tv screen. Pore tae tae

"Pft why yoongi" hope said breaking the silence

"Just to piss jimin off" jungkook states as the whole room goes silent including me. He was right it did piss me off, greatly. I try to think of a flirtatious joke to go along with what he said but I'm blank, I can't think of anything. COME ON BREAK THE SILENCE

"Or did you just say it to see taes reaction" I said instantly regretting what I had said

Everyone burst into a fit of laughter except from kook and tae

But too my surprise

Kook and taes eyes connected with kook smirks  and a blushing tae looking straight down. My heart felt fuzzy I swear.

"Okay truth or dare babe" yoongi smiles at hope which made my heart crack for some reason

"Dare because I ain't a puss" he said smirking back at yoongi

I don't know why but just watching them talk makes me want to interrupt by flirting with yoongi, just anything to get his attention I hate when they talk like this, like they have there whole life planed out, like there gonna get married and have puppies as kids. My mind is going to explode

"I dare you to chug this" yoongi said running into the kitchen. We all looked at each other with a oh no look

He came back in holding a glass of alcohol. Okay so long story short hope doesn't drink he's totally against it, him being the sunshine he is he thinks alcohol can wreck any man in with whom drinks it.

We all divert our gazes towards hope as he anxiously gulps

"F-fine" he runs up to yoongi smirking at him till he grabs the glass. Yoongi whips out his phone and instantly starts recording as we're all waiting In anticipation.

"Chug, chug, chug, chug"

He drinks the whole thing and shakes his head violently "Am I Fucking sick or what" he jokes and we all burst into laughter

Yoongi obviously went quite after though sitting back down and replaying the video over and over laughing quietly. Oft my heart hurts

"Okay jimin truth or dare"

I obviously wanted some one on one action with yoongi so I picked dare

"Dare thanks cutie" I winked

" I dare you to call your ex"

Oh shit

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