Start from the beginning

They walked towards the car, the exchange simple - they would replace two clan members and pose as them. It was a risky move for the Madam to agree on, leaving the comforts of her soldiers for two rogues, but it was the best case scenario.

The Madam was infamously rich and known not just in her sectors, but across the nation. The hospital would let her in without a second thought, and posing as her guards for a 'check up' is the safest bet of entry. But just in case anything went wrong, her soldiers guarding the perimeter would be ready to spring her out, killing everyone in their way regardless of who they are.

Grayson briefly wondered how big of an owe did the Madam had for Minwoo that she would agree to this.

Grayson slid into the driver's seat, Minwoo sliding next to him. His cane was missing for this encounter, but somewhat of a reflection of that was a piece just hidden beneath the folds of his clothes. He could see it in the way he walked - like there was something peeking in between his corners. But he never asked because Minwoo never told his secrets.

Grayson only had one gun and two knives, and that made him anxious, doubling up on the twisty feeling in his stomach. But the hospital only welcomed guards with at least three weapons for safety. It was to create an illusion of trust and serenity in a place of healing. The truth was they didn't want firepower just in case a fight broke between clients and their guards.

The tinted divider rolled down. The Madam's voice was almost as scratchy as her right hand man, but hers held more of a whispering snake quality. Someone that would strike at a pulse without a second thought, singing you a hymn before she did.

"This better be good, Mr. Park."

Minwoo bowed at the rear view mirror. "Of course, Madam."

"Though I have less trust in your skills than of my people," a teasing quality hinted in her tone, the leather rustling with movement. "It's a thrilling idea to do something out of my usual routine. Controlling a crime family really does become a bore after a while. And cannibals at the Apollo. Really. My daughter was just admitted here a few weeks ago."

The Apollo was the codename for the hospital, used only by the dark side of the world. Crooked politicians, crime family members, the likes...

Grayson grinned, feeling a little bit better. "Well, we're sure to make this an experience you would never forget, Madam."

After all, Grayson was very good at making quite an impact on people.


They entered without a fuss. From Agent Kim's instructions, there were three different passwords at the three different guard checkpoints. The first password details why you were there - a password that recognizes you weren't police. The second one confirms your understanding. The third is the last net.

"You know how difficult is to know a password that changes every nine hours, and not just one password but three?" Agent Kim had groaned. "The amount of research, the agents, the numerous wiretaps to phones that change their numbers every -"

" - Bathory, Femur, and Oolong Tea," Minwoo listed with the roll of his eyes.

The Agent quieted, the speakers crackled. Grayson, feeling a little bit better now that they were planning the numbers, crunching the situation, snickered over his hot green tea.

"...I give up on you."

"And here I thought I'd never get to see the day."

"Alright ladies, passwords done, what else?" Grayson set his cup as Minwoo leaned forward on the plans he had finished printed. It was somehow the subterranean outline of the hospital. It had gotten them four hours to finally get them - Minwoo mostly on the phone with contacts - and it was only a vague idea of the floors.

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