Chapter 12

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"Stop it!" I say serious but laughing. Me and Luna are at work and she keeps poking me in my stomach when she passes me.

Luna smirks at me but keeps walking. I'll get her back for all the poking. "That's 4,90 please." I tell the customer. She give me a 5 dollar bill and I give his change. "Have a nice day."

"Kara could you help me with this?" Joyce asks me. She's trying to lift up a box, it's probably very heavy.

"Of course." I say and I immediately go over to help her. I lift the heavy box up with Joyce helping and we take it to the back.

"Thanks for the help." Joyce says once we put it down where she wanted it.

"No problem." I say smiling and turn back to go back to the store to help Luna again with ordering.

"Wait Kara can you come talk to me for a second." Joyce asks sitting down at the table.

"Sure." I say and sit down in front of her.

"How's it going? You've been working here 3 weeks now is it going good for you?" Joyce asks me.

"Yeah it's going great. I love working here." I say.

"And you and Luna are getting along?"

"Yeah we're getting along just fine." I say smiling.

"Listen Luna told me that you two are dating now, Luna has been working here for about 9 months. I know her pretty well and I know what she has been through. I care about her and I don't want anything bad to happen to her anymore she has had enough of that." Joyce says like she is warning me to take good care of Luna. She's acting like she is her mother which is kind of nice for Luna. To know that someone cares about her like she's her own child that's amazing to have especially in Luna's condition.

"I know about her situation. Don't worry I'm taking good care of her. She lives with me now, no more sleeping in the park." I say.

"I'm glad to hear that. I've wanted to take her in when she told me about it but my husband didn't like that idea at all. I'm glad she has someone to stay with now just please don't screw it up." Joyce says and I nod my head. "For her." Joyce points to the TV where the live camera footage of the store is playing where Luna is helping customers.

"She's special, I won't let anything bad happen to her Joyce." I say. It's nice to know that Luna has other people caring about her other than me.

"Okay, go do your job." Joyce says sending me off back to work. I nod and get up to go help Luna.

2 pm. We're finished for today. Thank god, I was getting really tired and now I can go home and study because school tomorrow. Not excited for that.

"I'm so tired." I say complaining as we walk home.

"Aww babe don't worry we'll be home soon." Luna says and grabs my hand.

"Yes but I have to study, I have a big test tomorrow." I say complaining once again.

"I know. Tell you what, you study and when you're done I'll give you a massage and I can make up for all the poking I did to you today." She says and giggles a little about the poking thing. I could really use a massage.

"I like that idea, okay deal." I say smiling and we keep walking home.

"Karaaaaaa." Luna yells as she's laying on my bed on her back. She has been asking for my attention for the past hour while I have been studying.

"Luna I'm studying." I say and flip a page from my book.

"And I'm dying." Luna says dramatically. I flip my chair so I'm looking at her and I look at her without emotion and turn back my chair. "Come on Kara. You've been studying for 3 hours." Luna says as she gets behind me and puts her arms around my shoulder and her head against mine so she's looking down at what I'm studying. Which is history.

"I have to have good grades Luna, it takes a lot of work." I say.

"Yes but don't you think your loving perfect girlfriend deserves a little attention too?" Luna says sweetly.

"Of course, but not right now." I say. She flips my chair around so she's standing right in front of me. She sits down on my lap

"Please just take a break and you can go back to studying. I'm just so bored." Luna says as she looks me right in the eyes and does her puppy eyes.

"Oh god not the puppy eyes." I say and look away.

"Nah uh." She says and turns my head with her finger on my cheek so that I'm looking at her again. She leans in closer to my face and just when she is about to kiss me she says, "Come and get me." She stands up and goes back over to my bed and does something on my laptop like she just didn't complain to give her attention. She has done it now, I can't go back to studying without starting and finishing that kiss she didn't give me.

"Okay close the computer." I say walking over to the bed. She moves away my laptop and smirks. I get on my bed and kiss Luna immediately. She lays down on her back and I hover over her while we still kiss. She puts her hand behind my head to deepen the kiss.

I pull away from the kiss to catch my breath. "Are you satisfied?" I ask looking into her eyes. She has this cute smile on her face she is actually the cutest. How did I ever choose studying over kissing her?

"Not yet." She flips us over so she is on top of me right now and kisses me hard. She pulls away when she needs to catch her breath but just goes down to kiss my neck.

"Luna." I moan a little. She sucks on my neck while her lower body is pressed against mine. Her hands go under my shirt feeling my stomach. "Luna, please." I say trying for her to stop. "Are you sure?" I ask her. I don't want her to forget me the next day like everyone else does.

"Yes." She says. "Don't worry I'm not gonna leave after." She says between kisses on my neck. It's like she read my mind. "Can I?" She asks asking to take my shirt of. I pull up my shirt for her leaving me in my bra and jeans. She kisses me on my mouth before going back down to my neck and then my breasts. Her arms try to go around me but I'm pressed to the bed so she can't reach it. I lift up a little so she can unhook my bra. I take it off and throw it to the ground where my shirt is laying as well. She sucks on my right nipple while playing with the other. Her hands move down to my pants and she quickly takes them off along with my underwear. She gets back up to my face and kisses me.

"You're so beautiful." She says out of breath. We make out fighting for dominance, she wins. I take off her shirt now and unhook her bra too. She takes it off. She quickly gets off the bed to get her pants and underwear off and climbs back on me. Her naked body is pressed against me as we make out.

"So are you babe." I say. I quickly turn us around so I'm on top again. I kiss her down to her neck and to her breast. I suck on her nipple as I hear moans coming out of Luna's mouth. Luckily my dad is at work. I move my left hand down and start rubbing her softly.

"Kara." She moans out my name. That was probably the sexiest sound I have ever heard. I switch from breasts so the other one gets the attention it deserves as well as I keep rubbing her. She's so wet already. I enter 1 finger inside of her and she starts moaning even more. "Oh god kara." I move my finger quicker and add another finger. "I'm getting close." She barely gets out and I get my fingers out. "What the fuck Kara." She complains. I smirk and go down. I lick her entering my tongue as she starts moaning again not expecting what I was about to do. "Faster babe." She says. I go faster as she asked for. I put her legs over my shoulders so its easier for me to get to her. I get deep inside of her with my tongue just twirling around and tasting her. She tastes amazing.

I finish her off and lick her all clean. I go back up to her and kiss her deeply and then fall down next to her. "That was amazing." She says. I turn my head to her and smile. I'm glad she is satisfied.

"You are amazing." I say and kiss her on her cheek. I'm so tired now, no way I'm gonna study. "I guess I'm not studying now." I say. She lays her head on my chest and her hand on my stomach. I pull the blankets up so we wont get cold.

"I'm sorry." She says quietly.

"It's okay sweetheart, it's so worth it." I say and kiss her head.

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