Chapter 1

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*sound of a school bell ringing*
"Good morning sunshine." Alex says throwing her arm around me as we're walking down the hallway of school on our way to class. I smile at my best friend's presence.

"Good morning Alex." I say and look at her with a smile she smiles back. "Ready for chem test?" I say to tease her. She hates chemistry, I love it. She's just very bad at it and that's why she hates it but she refuses to let me help her.

"You know I'm not." She says rolling her eyes.

"You could let me help you you know." I say and we stop walking when we get to our lockers. Our lockers are pretty much next to each other which makes it pretty easy.

"You have enough on your plate, it's okay I can't be good at everything." She says taking out her books that she needs before lunch. She has a point there. I do have a lot on my mind. For the fact that it's just my dad and me living alone, we're very short on money and my dad refuses to help me get a little cash on the side because he thinks he should be the one taking care of it. My dad's a salesman in a supermarket and well it doesn't pay very much.

"Alright, do you wanna hang out after school?" I ask my best friend as we head to our chemistry class.

"Oh I have plans with Julia." She tells me and my smile fades away a little. I could've really used a night with my best friend. "Kara, I can cancel if you want."

"No no it's okay, be with your girlfriend, we can  hang out another day." I say and give a little smile. We walk into class and sit in the back like we usually do.

"Alright class, put your cheat notes away, I only wanna see a pen on your desk. No cheating." Mrs Hance says as she hands out our tests. "It's not an easy test. You have the whole period to finish it. Goodluck." She says and everyone starts at their test. I'm immediately able to fill in some answers while Alex is struggling to even fill in 1 answer. I feel bad for her but she shouldn't deny my help when she needs it. I helped her once with a math test and she did great on that but she refuses my help now because of my home situation.

30 minutes have passed and I have finished my test. I walk to the front of the class and hand my test to Mrs Hance and go back to my seat. I quickly take a look at my phone and see that my dad has texted me.

Hey kiddo, I'm working a long shift today, won't be home until 8 pm. Could you make dinner tonight, if Alex wants to come over that's fine. Stay out of the liquor cabinet though ;)

I smile at my dad's text. He's a goof. He knows I never drink or anything so he shouldn't worry. He likes to goof around a lot. He's an amazing dad I love him to death.

I'll take care of dinner. Have fun at work. :)

I text back and put my phone back into my pocket. The bell rings soon after, everyone hands in their test and leaves the classroom. "How was your test?" I ask Alex as we head to our next class.

"Don't even ask." She says. That's not a good sign.

"Let me help you next time." I tell her but she shakes her head.

"No you have enough to worry about Kara." She says and I nod. I don't wanna argue with her about that because she knows my home situation isn't that good.

"Alex, do you think I should get a job? To help my dad out? I know he doesn't want me to but I wanna help." I ask her as we enter our english class.

"I know you want to help your dad but your dad won't let you have a job." She says and I nod.

"I know but it would only be for in the weekend. My grades are good, I just can't stand that I'm not able to help my dad. I wanna do something useful." I say.

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