Chapter 3

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"This is the first time in a while we're waking up at the same time." My dad says as we're both drinking coffee in the kitchen.

"That's right." I say and chuckle.

"I'm really proud of you Kara. To wake up this early on a weekend and having a job. You're growing up." He tells me and I smile.

"Well I have a great dad." I say and wink at him.

"The best dad." He says and we both laugh a little.

"We better get going." I say getting up and putting on my jacket.

"You want a ride?" He asks me.

"No I'm fine. I'll see you tonight I love you." I say and hug him.

"I love you too kiddo goodluck on the first day." Dad says and I head out and walk towards work. A week ago I was still complaining to my dad that I wanted a job to help out and he would never let me. Now I'm on my way to my first day of my first job ever. I'm kind of nervous but also excited.

I arrive at the bakery. It's still closed now so I ring the doorbell and soon after Joyce answers the door. "Goodmorning Kara." She greets me and smiles. "You ready for your first day?"

"As ready as can be." I say with full confidence.

"You may set your stuff in the room where I interviewed you, put on an apron, your hair in a ponytail and help Luna make the store ready for opening. We open at 7:30. Luna will tell you everything to do." She tells me. I nod and do as she says. After i put an apron on and tied my hair up I walk into the store where Luna is preparing everything for opening.

"Kara right?" She asks me to be sure.

"You didn't forget." I say almost relieved.

"How could I forget it's a beautiful name." She says and winks. I blush a little but snap out of it pretty quickly.

"So what am I supposed to do?" I ask.

"Well I'm finished with putting the bread in the rack. Next we can do the sandwiches and pastries." She explains.

"Take these baskets with you and we're going to the back to the ovens where all the kind of sandwiches are." She continues explaining and I just listen and follow her. Currently Joyce is preparing pies and other pastries for the store that apparantly only she does. Luna never does it she told me. She shows me what to put where and when that's done we being the baskets back to the store and put it in place. Then we move on to the pastries. "So nex tthe pastries are by the oven. It's all in one cart so we take the cart with us to the store and we put every plate of pastries in the rack." Luna explains to me and I nod. She pushes the cart to the store and she lets me put the pastries at the right place.

"Now we're ready and..." she says and looks down at her watch. "We have 5 minutes to spare so you can take the broom thats behind the door and sweep a little and by then we can open up." She says and smiles brightly at me. I sigh a little out of nervousness I don't know if I'm doing everything right.

"You're doing great so far don't worry I'm here to help." Luna says sensing what I'm feeling. I swear to god she's a psychic. A gorgeous psychic. I grab the broom from behind the door and start sweeping the floor so that crums of bread and other things arent laying on the floor anymore before we open.

"Sunday is the busiest day in the morning. Luna will help you order the customers, she knows everything there is to know so she'll help you with everything. Next week you should be able to do it on your own." Joyce explains and I nod.

"I'm ready." I say with a bright smile. Joyce snd Luna open up the curtains and after that Joyce opens the door. 3 people are already lined up to order. Luna and I take the first customer.

"Goodmorning sir." Luna says and I repeat after her the same. The man tells us what he would like and Luna and I take care of it. Luna lets me do most of the work but she shows me how to do everything.

Customers keep floading in out of nowhere. When it has died down a but Luna and I are allowed to take a break. "How am I doing so far?" I ask Luna as we both sit down in one of the rooms in the back.

"You're doing very good. You learn fast." Luna says and she takes a bite of the pastry she took from the store to eat. I got one myself too.

"So where do you go to school?" I ask Luna.

"Oh I don't go to school, my mom homeschools me." Luna says.

"What's that like?"

"Lonely to be honest. I don't really get to meet lots of people since I don't go to school. That's why I'm glad I have this job, so I can socialise a bit plus I get a little cash out of it too." She says and laughs a little.

"Don't you have any friends?" I ask her not meaning to sound harsh.

"Not really but it's okay." She says but sounds a little sad. Poor Luna.

"Well I'm your friend now." I say and put my hand on her hand. I feel tingles in my stomach when I touch her hand. I pull my hand back. Did she feel that too?

"I'm glad." She says smiling looking into my eyes. We stare at each other for a while in a comfortable silence. She snaps out of it. "I think we better start working again." She says getting up. I get up too and we join Joyce again.

When the clock hits 2pm Joyce says Luna and I are allowed to stop and go home. "I'm starving." I say as me and Luna leave work.

"I always go eat when I finish work. Wanna come with me?" She asks me.

"Sure." I say and she leads me the way to a restaurant. We arrive at this little restaurant. It's very small and doesn't seem like it gets a lot of customers at all. "Do you come here every time?" I ask her.

"Hey stephanie, table for 2 this time." She says talking to a waitress. Stephanie leads us to a table. Luna and Stephanie talk for a while and then Stephanie leaves so we can make our choice to eat.

"I take that as a yes." I say to my question earlier.

"Well it's calm here and the foods good." She says and I nod. We decide what to eat and Stephanie, the waitress, comes back to take our orders.

"I'm kind of tired from all the working." I say yawning.

"You'll get used to it. It's exhausting at first so I understand." Luna says.

We eat our food and Luna wants to pay for me too. "You don't have to pay for me." I say getting out my wallet that has barely any money in it. I have enough to pay for my meal though.

"No I want to pay for it." She says. We argue for a bit who's gonna pay for it eventually I get annoyed and just let her pay for it. She's so sweet and nice but she really didn't have to do that.

"Next time I'm paying." I say as we leave.

"So you're gonna come with me more often?" Luna asks as we leave.

"If you'll let me." I say.

"Of course. I'd love having a friend eating with me instead of alone. Now that I have a friend." She says smiling. I give her a hug without thinking. "Before you leave could we maybe exchange phone numbers?" She asks sounding a little nervous.

"Of course." I say, I hand her my phone. "Here you can put it in I'll text you so you have my number too." I say and smile. She types in her phone number and gives it back to me.

"I'll see you next week i guess." She says.

"Yeah definitely." I say We both part ways and I start walking home. I think I might be getting a crush on this girl. She's so cute and beautiful. Her beautiful blue eyes are just to die for. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss her. She's perfect. I bet she doesn't feel the same, I mean she sees me as a friend and she seems perfectly happy with being just that. Friends.

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