Chapter 2

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I wake up to my alarm. 8 am on a saturday how great is that. I check my phone and see I got a message from Alex.

Goodluck with the job, much love Alex and Julia.

I smile.

Thanks I'll tell you both how it goes.

I get out of bed and get dressed. I go downstairs and see a note laying on the kitchen counter. I take the note in my hands.

Already off to work. I bought donuts. Don't eat all of them, I'll see you tonight. Goodluck on the job interview kiddo. Love you!

I smile and put it back where it was. My dad usually writes me notes in the weekend cause he's gone very early. I have an amazing dad I love him to death. I open the fridge to see where those donuts are. I take the box out of the fridge. Seems like dad bought a lot of donuts. I open the box and take out a pink donut. I eat it and then head out to go to the job interview. It's not a long walk luckily. I'm gonna have to do this walk often if I get this job so better get used to it quick.

I walk into the bakery when I arrive there. Seems like it's very busy right now so I'll have to wait a bit. I have time so nothing to worry about. When it's my turn the woman behind the counter greets me and says good morning.

"Um good morning. I read online that you are hiring people for in the weekend and I was wondering if maybe I could work here?" I ask her.

"Yeah, what's your name?" The woman asks.

"My name's Kara." I say a little nervously.

"Nice to meet you Kara, I'm Joyce." She says and I smile. "Would you mind coming around to the back so I can just ask you a few questions?"

I nod and smile, "of course." I say and I follow her to the back.

We sit down at a table and she takes out a piece of paper. Probably to write on for the questions she will ask me. "So how old are you Kara?" She asks me firstly.

"I'm 17 years old." I say and Joyce scribbles it on her paper.

"That's good. Why do you want this job?" She asks me and looks at me with full attention.

"Well um my dad-" I start but get cut off by someone entering the space we are in.

"Excuse me. Joyce could you help me real quick, it's very busy right now and I don't know if I can take it all alone." The girl that interrupted the interview says. I look at the girl and am amazed by her. She's so beautiful. She's breath taking. She looks at me for a second and smiles. Oh my god her smile. I could just melt away right here right now. Her eyes are like a bright blue ocean, I could get lost in them any second.

I get interrupted from my thoughts by Joyce. "Yeah of course I'll help. Kara it won't be long I'll be right back." She says and I nod my head as she walks away.

Who was that girl. I'm gonna work with her if I get this job of course.

20 minutes or so pass and Joyce walks back in and sits down again. "I'm sorry for the interruption, so you were saying why you want this job?" She asks again.

"Yeah so my dad and I live alone and we don't really have the best finances at the moment so I wanted to help him out a bit by getting a job too." I say and she nods in understanding and writes it down on her paper.

She asks me a few more questions. "This seems great Kara, I just need to know when you'd be able to start." She says.

"As soon as possible." I say confident. That should make a good impression right?

"Alright can you start tomorrow?" She asks me.

"Yeah definitely." I say excitedly. I can't believe I actually got the job.

"Okay I'll just show you around now and then you'll be able to start tomorrow." She says and I nod. I follow her as she shows me the kinds of bread they have, the pies, cakes, and all the kind of stuff they sell in bakeries.

"Your co-worker, other than me is Luna. It seems like there aren't any costumers at the moment so I'll introduce you." She says and we step into the store where Luna is cleaning a bit up. She smiles at me when she sees me. "Luna, this is Kara. She'll be starting here tomorrow." She says.

Luna and I shake hands. "Nice to meet you." She says with her beautiful smile.

"Um you too." I say a little nervously.

"Luna works here only Saturday and Sunday too like you will be. In week days we have someone else working here. She sometimes fills in in the weekend too but not that often." Joyce explains and I nod. "If you don't have any questions anymore than I will see you tomorrow."

"Everything's clear to me, thank you." I say.

"Then me and Luna will wait for you tomorrow at 7 am." She says and I nod.

"Thank you." I shake their hands and then leave. When I'm 2 streets away from the bakery I call up Alex to tell her the great news.

"Hey Kara." Alex says when she picks up the phone.

"Hey guess what guess what guess what!" I basically yell out of excitement.

"Well I'm sensing that the interview went well?" She asks me.

"Very well. I'm starting tomorrow." I say.

"That's great I'm happy for you Kara."

"Thank you. Can you come over?" I ask her.

"Of course, can Julia come?"

"Duh, Julia is awesome bring her." I say.

"Okay see you in a few." Alex says and hangs up the phone. I arrive home and wait for Alex and Julia to come over. I text my dad real quick to tell him the good news and shortly after someone knocks on the door.

"Hey." I say giving a hug to Alex and Julia and they come into my house.

"I'm so happy for you Kara, you deserve this." Alex says.

"Thanks." I say smiling. I'm so happy right now nothing can ruin my mood right now. I felt confudent going there and I'm so glad I got this job I can finally help my dad out with paying for stuff.

Julia and Alex sit down on the couch and I sit down next to Julia. "So what's it like there, are the co workers nice?" Julia asks me.

"Oh yeah. Joyce, the one who interviewed me, is basically the boss and she's so nice. Then there's this girl Luna who works there in the weekend like I will, she's around our age and she's very nice and beautiful." I say dreaming away thinking of Luna, I just keep thinking about her smile, her gorgeous, stunning smile.

"That's amazing Kara. I'm very happy that you found a job and your dad is letting you." Alex says smiling.

"Thanks. I'm very happy. I can finally help my dad out with bills and such, there's nothing I wanted more." I say.

Julia and Alex stay a little longer and then leave. I'm excited for tomorrow to start my new chapter in life and start working to make a change in this house.

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