Chapter 4

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"Hey idiot why didn't you call me yesterday after your first day at work?" Alex says walking up to me. I was at my locker grabbing books that I needed for the classes before lunch.

"I'm sorry I was tired I fell asleep when I came home." I lie. In truth I actually texted with Luna almost the whole afternoon. Just talking about life. It was a lot of fun.

"You're lying." She says. My best friend can always tell when I'm lying or not, it gets kind of annoying.

"I am not." I say trying to cover for myself but actually making it worse cause technically I lied again by saying that.

"You have this thing with your nose that you do when you're lying so Kara Garrets, what were you really doing yesterday." She says slamming my locker door shut. I turn to face her.

"Alright I was texting someone and I forgot about calling you I'm sorry." I say and I start walking to class with Alex rushing behind me.

"Who were you texting that was more important than your best friend?" She asks sounding a little offended

"This girl from work." I say.

"A girl you just met and you texted her all day and forgot about me?" Alex says sounding offended again.

"Yeah sorry about that okay. Her name's Luna. I'm sorry I forgot to call." I say apologising but still all I can think of is how happy I was texting with Luna. It's like she gets me like no one else.

"It's okay. So this Luna..." Alex starts but I cut her off.

"Nah uh don't start." I say.

"What?" She says in a high squeaky voice like she doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"Every time I start talking to a girl you assume I have a crush on her." I say.

"Well don't blame me but you get crushes pretty fast and then you date and then you're heartbroken." She says honestly. She's right though, I get crushes pretty fast but Luna, she's different.

"Not this time." I say. The bell rings and class starts.

"We'll see about that." Alex whispers as the teacher starts talking.

"So you never told me how work went." Alex says as we're standing in line in the cafeteria to get lunch.

"It went great, more work then I expected but it's fun." I say. We get to the front of the line and we take what we want to eat then go sit at our usual table with some other friends.

"Hey Kara, I heard you got a job." Ollie says. Ollie is one of my best friends. He has a crush on me and can't accept that I'm gay so he's all in love with me but I never return the love, I feel bad for him for it but there's nothing I can do, it's my sexuality.

"Yeah I did, it's awesome." I say as I sit down next to him and Alex sits down next to me.

"That's great I'm happy for you, you deserve it." He says and smiles at me like he always does.

"Yeah and she also has a new crush." Alex jumps in. I slap her on her arm.

"Ooh Kara who is the lucky girl now?" Peyton, another friend of me, says.

"Her name is Luna but no no I don't have a crush on her. Alex just suspects I do." I say and give Alex a dead glare.

"Come on it's so obvious. You talked to her all day to her after work, you always get bored of people and you didn't call me." Alex says trying to prove a point.

"Wait you didn't call Alex? Yeah you have a crush on this Luna girl." Peyton says. They might be right. I mean Luna is amazing and even though I don't know much about her, I do kind of like her but they don't need to know that because they'll just tease me about it all the time.

I just stay quiet hoping they would stop talking about it. But of course Ollie has to join the conversation. "If Kara says that she doesn't have a crush on this "Luna", maybe she's telling the truth." He's always the one to defend me on everything, it's kind of annoying.

"Right I don't have a crush on her so can we just move on." I say and start eating my lunch. Maybe I do like Luna but she'll never like me. None of the girls I've had crushes on like me. I'm more of a person people want to have one night stands with and then never call me and honestly I'm not that mad about it cause I've had some great nights with great girls, I just wish one of them would have stuck with me. Guess not. I definitely don't want to sleep with Luna and ruin the friendship we're building up for her to then just blow me off. Maybe I need a one night stand right now to get my mind off of her because she's all I can think of right now. That smile, her beautiful hair, those gorgeous eyes. She's perfect.

"Kara? Are you okay?" Ollie asks me snapping me out of my thoughts. I nod quickly and keep eating my lunch. Alex is never gonna stop teasing me about Luna until I do something about it.

"Kara, you wanna go to the bar tonight to celebrate?" Peyton asks me. 

"What bar?" Ollie asks.

"The gay bar. We go there quiet often how do you not know about this yet." Alex says.

"But you're not gay." Ollie says to Peyton. Which is true Peyton is straight but she always goes with me and Alex for fun and Alex brings Julie all the time and they always end up getting drunk, makeing out and then going home to do whatever and at some times when Peyton doesn't come with us I end up being there alone and then I start making out with someone that I find attractive and then a one night stand happens which I'm not really that mad about but it's nice to be out with friends and not always having a one night stand. 

"You also don't believe Kara is gay but she is." Alex breaks it to Ollie. Ollie obviously knows I'm gay he just doesn't want to believe it cause he's so 'madly in love with me'.

"I'm not gay but I like to go out with my friends once in a while and this bar is fun to hang around." Peyton says. 

"I'm in for tonight, just gotta ask my dad. Ollie you're welcome to come too if you want." I say and I get a dirty look from Alex. 

"No it's good, you girls have fun, I have plans anyways." Ollie says. Just then the bell rings and we all get up to go to class. 

"Since when do we invite Ollie to go with us to the bar." Alex says. 

"What? he's our friend and I want to hang out with him too." I say. 

"He's not gay." Alex says.

"Peyton isn't either and she goes with us quite a lot what's wrong with him going with us?" Alex says.

"well first of all he's a guy and it's a lesbian gay bar and he's madly in love with you which means that you won't be able to have fun when he's around." Alex argues. 

"That's not true, I have fun when I'm around him." I defend myself. 

"Not at a gay bar Kara. You will feel awkward the whole time because all you wanna do is make out with the girl you like that one night but you won't because Ollie is right there." Alex says and she has a point. I just don't wanna break Ollie's heart. 

"Well he's not coming anyways so there's no problem." I say. We leave the conversation at that and we go to class. 

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