Chapter 36

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 A week later

Mikeys P.O.V.

I yawned loudly as I took the bright orange fluorescent vest that was handed to me. Having to do community service was already embarrassing enough, but we also had to wear dorky fluorescent vests for it? The sun was shining bright and we weren't even on the street! The vests were an unneccesary addition!

I groaned and went to the equipment stand to take a sponge and a bucket. "Getting up at 6am to go clean some grafitti from a wall no one cares about, those assholes couldn't find a better task?" I grumbled to myself.

I started scrubbing the with paint smudged wall. Unsupringly, nothing came off. 'Oh surely this can't get any worse' I grumbled to myself.

I could've known that I jinxed it by saying that.

"Oh look at that! A new guy!" I heard somebody sneer. I looked to my right to see two other people giving me pestering looks, their grin almost predatory.

I sighed to myself. I shouldn't have expected less from community service. Judging by the greasy hair and worn out clothes I assumed they were also Tokyo Hotel inhabitants, less fortunate ones.

I rolled my eyes at them, already deciding these two teenagers weren't worth my time. "Aren't you a pretty boy! How long did you spend fixing your hair this morning huh?" one of them sneered, making the other giggle.

"What for you in here? Did you steal moisturiser? Did some girl accuse you of breaking her heart?" the other one taunted taking a step in my direction.

"You need to work on your roasts bro" I scoffed back.

"Well, you need to Fffffffffffff" the boy cut off his sentence when he noticed one of the supervisors giving him a warning look.

"How about you just do what they're asking you to do? Who knows, you might learn some comebacks if you do" I said calmly, and pretended to focus on the grafitti wall again, ignoring whatever the other teenagers were mumbling behind my back. As if I didn't hear it all before. Nothing new, nothing important, their gossip was useless to me.

"All you need to do is ignore them" A voice said. I noticed a guy had come to stand next to me. He didn't look that old, most likely just in his early twenties. He had a friendly sparkle in his eyes.

"They're like seagulls" the guy continued. "If you give them attention they get annoying"

That statement made me laugh. "Not a fan of seagulls?" I laughed.

"Nah mate. They're flying rats" the guy laughed. "My name is Alex by the way. Alex Millichamp" he said, reaching out his hand.

"I'm Mikey, and my last name is yet for you to unlock" I said as I shook his hand.

Alex laughed, and threw the sponge he was still holding aside. "The first person in this place with a sense of humor! I like it" he said, grinning widely.

"So, what brings you here? You don't really seem like a criminal" I said.

"Oh it's.. quite embarrasing actually" Alex scratched his neck awkwardly.

"I can keep a secret" I shrugged.

"Fine" Alex sighed. "Sooooo I was partying at a festival and I got reaaalllyy drunk"  he started.

I nodded my head. "Proceed" I said.

"And I needed to use the bathroom, and I saw these peeing stands" Alex continued.

"Uhuh" I nodded.

"And for some reason my drunk ass didn't realise those were only meant for peeing. When a cop told me not to to my business on one of those things, I started continuously hitting him in the head with a can, yelling stuff along the lines of "you're not my mum, you can't tell me what to do!" and there's more where that came from" Alex mumbled, so only I could hear the end of his story.

The Tokyo HotelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ