Chapter 13

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Jacks P. O. V.

"Jack, Jack, Wake up" my father impatiently shook my shoulder to wake me up.

"What? Why" I mumbled, turning away from him.

"Jack wake up. It's Andy's mother on the phone" my father continued.

"So? What does that have to do with me" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"I think it's best if she tells you" he said.

I sighed and dragged myself out of bed to go pick up the phone. "Good morning mrs. Fowler"I said as I picked up the phone.

"Jack! Have you spoken to Andy lately?" she immediately asked. She sounded distressed.

"Yeah... Why?" I asked.

"Has he ever mentioned wanting to run away?"

I froze upon hearing that question. "He- He ran away?" I stammered.

"Yes, this morning I came to wake him up for school and he wasn't there. I tried calling him but he won't pick up the phone. I really don't know what to do" she cried out.

I didn't reply. Andy ran away? Why would he run away? It didn't make sense at all.

"Jack? Are you still there" mrs. Fowlers voice crackled trough the phone.

".... Yes sorry. I'll see what I can do" I mumbled.

"Thank you Jack" she sighed. I heard a long beep wich gave away that she ended the call.

Thoughts flooded my brain almost immediately. Why would he run away. Why would he give up what he loved. No, I shouldn't focus on why. I should focus on where.

"I'm going to the school, maybe he's there" I said as I started putting on my clothes.

"And if he's not there?" my mother asked.

"Then I'll need a new plan" I said already grabbing my shoes. I walked towards the school building fast-paced. I saw the school building appear as I approached it. Pupils calmly entered.

I looked around, but I didn't see Andy. "I'll just wait at the gate and see if he comes" I told myself.

At this moment I wished I had a cellphone to call him. God why couldn't I just have a normal life!

I looked at the boys and girls entering the school. In reality, no one really seemed to pay attention to me. However, in my mind thoughts started stirring and whirling. I felt as if everyone was watching me. Everyone was judging me. "you don't belong here. You're not one of us. We don't want you" I could hear them say.

My breathing sped up. I shouldn't be here. I belonged in the Tokyo Hotel between the rest of the scum. I pushed my way through the crowd trying to get away. The feeling of eyes staring at me became overwhelming. I clenched my jaw as I sped my pace. I needed to leave now.


"Jack? What are you doing here?" a familiar friendly voice suddenly interrupted the voices. His face got visible, blurring out the rest of the surroundings.

"... Brooklyn" I muttered.

"What's wrong? You look like you've just seen a ghost" Brooklyn slightly tilted his head, looking like a confused puppy.

"It's nothing... I was looking for Andy. Have you seen him?" I replied truthfully.

"Ow, well, I haven't seen him yet. Maybe he's just late today" Brooklyn said.

'But Andy is never late' I thought.

"You look nervous" Brooklyn noticed.

"Well, uhm. Yeah... I might be. I don't know" I muttered.

"How about we just go do something fun together to take your mind of things" Brooklyn asked, his face looked slightly flustered. He was so cute!

I really wanted to accept the offer, but I just couldn't. "Thanks, but I'd rather wait for Andy" I mumbled.

"Ow... Okay" Brooklyn muttered, he looked so dissapointed. Why did I do that, I didn't mean to upset him!

"How about I wait five minutes longer for Andy and if he doesn't show up we can do something together?" I stammered in an attempt to fix my mistake.

His eyes lit up in excitement again. "Sure, I'll stay with you" he said.

An idea popped up in my head. "Can I use your phone for a second" I asked "Sure, here you go" he smiled and passed my his cellphone. I soon found Andys name in his contact and pressed 'message'.

"Andy where tf r u. Everyone's worried sick! - Jack"

"Thanks" I gave Brooklyn an innocent smile as I handed back his phone.  We waited, and waited. I scanned the crowd as they walked past. But no Andy.

I did see another person I recognized. He still looked the same as I remembered. Arms covered in tattoos, dark curly hair and a confident smirk on his face. The only difference is that he no longer had his nose piercing and his hair had gone from jet black to a brown color. I grimaced at the sight of him. Michael Patrick Cobban, the boy who placed his love for theft over everything else.

I glanced down at my leg, at the lemon tattoo. I crossed one leg over the other as if that would cover it up.

"I should go" I said as I made my attempt to leave.

"Wait. I wanna come with you" Brooklyn said and put a hand on my shoulder.

"But what about class" I asked.

"I'll skip class for a day. I can just say I felt sick" he laughed.

I smiled. "Okay, so where would you like to go then?" I asked as we walked away from the school building.

"How about... We go see a movie?" he asked. He sounded nervous.

"I'd love that" I said.

Authors note
At last another Jacklyn chapter. It was about time 😅

So I'm gonna keep the situation short. My mother is currently suggesting that me and my brother todo a digital detox so I'm gonna do that. I'll only use the internet for two hours a day, not a minute more. It sucks bc two hours is close to nothing for me. It also means I barely have time to write. Writing takes a long time sometimes, and with my time limits it's about to get really difficult to keep writing online bc I need my phone and laptop to write. I have written till chapter 22 already but I still need to write a lot before this story is finished. So yeah, I hope I find a way to keep writing frequently...

See you all later,


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